GEIFN Gathers*

To accommodate increasing personal demands in busy times, GEIFN is embarking on a casual series of [monthly] breakfasts to get-inter-faith-ing. Those interested in building friendship, informality and interfaith, while exploring local cafe culture, all welcome.

No bookings required, just turn up [1st Monday] of month at the venue and look for a familiar face. [Spouses, partners, children welcome.] The next 3  dates and venues are listed below. 

* Temporary Working Title. Attending participants can cast your vote for this and other suggestions: Groovers, Grazers, Gobblers, Grubbers, GEIFNtogethers.

Breakfast: 7-8.00am
Coffee/Tea: 8-8.30am
Come for a part or stay for both. Participants pay own costs.

Monday 2 June: 
Cafe Uffizi
53 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield Junction

Monday 7 July:
Queenie Apple Wholefoods Cafe
768 Glen Huntley Road, Caulfield South

Monday 4 Aug:
Spot Cafe
215 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, 
[Review Format, Modify in necessary, Decide next 3 locations]

In keeping with the "flash-gather" idea, venues do not know we are coming and may be subject to change due to changing nature of things. Notify GEIFN Gathers coordinator Carey 0438 371 488 if you have questions or are coming, leave a mobile number for an SMS reminder on day or advice of changed plans.