INCGD | Breakfast and Keynote: Identity, Faith & the Media | Saturday 6February 2016 | 7am

[Edited extract from public address]

Interfaith Network’s FIFTH Annual Interfaith Breakfast and celebrating United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week 2016

The Interfaith Network of City of Greater Dandenong looks forward to welcoming you at this special breakfast.

Where: The Springvale Town Hall Supper Room, 397-405 Springvale Rd, Springvale.

The Guest Speaker is Manpreet Kaur Singh
“Manpreet is best known as a multi-award winning SBS broadcaster, her work across all platforms of journalism -- newspapers, radio, magazines, television and online – have earned her widespread respect and recognition in Australia and beyond.

She joined SBS Punjabi program in 1993 and has made a significant contribution in areas of social justice, cultural cohesion and multiculturalism.

Manpreet’s acclaimed documentary feature The Enemy Within, investigating family violence in the Australian-Indian community, has won six national and international awards, and earned her a coveted Walkley nomination. Her articles in Hindustan Times, India Today and continue to build the identity of Sikh / Indian migrants of Australia.

The receiver of many awards and recognition, Manpreet has won a Legal Reporting Award from Victorian Legal Foundation and was a judge for Young Walkleys in 2014. In 2013 she won the “Media Award” at Victoria’s Multicultural Awards for Excellence and was a finalist at Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism”.

From her enormous experience and wealth of knowledge, Manpreet will be speaking on “Identity, Faith & the Media”.

Please do pass on to others who might be interested in your community.

RSVP: For catering purposes, we need to know how many of you are coming. RSVP to or 0421 829 563 - as soon as possible, but no later than the 1st of February.

Interfaith Network, City of Greater Dandenong
Helen Heath or Tel 0421 829 563