ASO | The Most Beautiful Names | Saturday 2nd April 2016 | 1-4pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Join Sufi Teachers Master Taner Ansari & Muzeyyen Ansari in this Sufi way of Knowing and Growing in Spiritual Consciousness through the Divine Names.

Shaykh Taner Ansari, head of the Ansari Tariqa (branch of the Qadiri Rifai Tariqa),
is visiting Australia in April 2016 with his wife, Shaykha Muzeyyen Ansari.
Experience an afternoon of: reflecting, meditations and contemplation
of the Divine Names and its use in healing, as well as time for Q & A !
Tea & Coffee will be served.

Where: Centre for Theology & Ministry
29 College Crescent, Parkville
(Opposite main entrance Melbourne Cemetery)

Cost: $15

Bookings: RSVP to Alamin: 0472 518 995 or Email
“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter.Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times.Come, yet again, come, come.” - Rumi

A Ceremony of Remembrance (Zikr).
will be held at Nicholson Street, North Carlton
Friday 1st April 2016, 7-9.30pm
A zikr is a sufi ritual of remembrance conducted as a group ceremony. All are welcome
Tea, Coffee & sweets will be served
RSVP to Alamin: 0472 518 995 or Email


Ansari Sufi Order of the Southern Hemisphere
Alamin: Tel 0472 518 995

Bismillah er Rahman er Rahim. (In the name of the Divine, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.)

GOVV | OMAC | Information Session on Multicultural Grant Programs | Thursday 17 March 2016 | 5.30-7.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Focus on Community Harmony Program and Capacity Building and Participation Program.

Where: Treasury Theatre, 1 MacArthur Street, Melbourne

Registrations: Please register to attend through Eventbrite link:


The Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship

MIN | Harmony Day | The Quest of Discovery | Wednesday 23 March 2016 | 7-9pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Celebrate Australia's diversity this Harmony Day with Manningham Interfaith Network, local schools and local Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Baha'i communities.

Where: Manningham Function Centre, 699 Doncaster Road, Doncaster

Who: Everyone is welcome.

RSVP: Dot Haynes Tel 0425 718 937 or Email

Cost: Free


Manningham Interfaith Network
Tel: Dot Haynes 0425 718 937

This event is supported by Manningham City Council and the Victorian Multicultural Commission.

HIA | Peace Breakfast and Multifaith Community Praying for World Peace | Sunday 27 March 2016 | 9.30am

[Edited extract from public address]

All are invited to participate in praying for World Peace.

The World is at a threshold of disaster, killings of innocent men, women & children is rampant and there appears no value for human life. Let’s join in unity and pray for World Peace, asking God’s Mercy and Protection for the oppressed and a change of heart for the perpetrators.

Where: Kennon Hall, 464 Glenferrie Road, Kooyong

RSVP: 20 March 2016 for catering purposes | Steve: 0410 719 641 | John: 0403 194 125

Costs: Free however donations to cover costs will be appreciated.


Harmony International Australia, The Universal Peace Federation, Women's Federation for World Peace and All Saints Urdu-Hindi Church
Tel: Steve 0410 719 641
Tel: John 0403 194 125
We acknowledge the Indigenous people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land. We also like to pay respect to the Elders both past and present of the Nation and extend that respect to other Indigenous Australians who are present.

BMIN | Cultural Diversity Week 2016 | Spiritual Exchange Places of Worship Bus Tour (Regional Victoria - Trentham) | Friday 18 March 2016 | 9am-4pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Visit two places of worship based in Trentham, Victoria. Enjoy a guided spiritual bush walk in the Wombat Forest.

Where: 9am – Meet at Maribyrnong City Council located at 67 Hyde St, Footscray.
9:20am – Meet at Brimbank City Council located at 6-18 Alexandra Avenue, Sunshine
Finish at approximately 4pm – Drop off at pick up point.

Advisory: Please wear comfortable shoes and modest clothing covering thighs and shoulders.

Inclusions: Light lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Cost: Free.

Bookings: This is a no cost community event but registration is essential. Limited spaces.
Register online or call 03 9688 0342.

Who: All welcome to attend.


The Brimbank & Maribyrnong Interfaith Network

REPORT | CoS | Flavours | 5 March 2016 | 11am-4pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Travelling the world in just one day with Stonnington's free annual Flavours festival.

Hosted by comedian Mia Stanford, the free one-day event celebrated culture, traditions and heritage from around the globe with a day of food and craft stalls, demonstrations, workshops and performances.

For the first time, Flavours took place at Functions On Chapel at Prahran Town Hall in a market-style event with a focus on the rich cultural diversity of Stonnington’s local community.

The Program officially began with Welcome to Country by Aunty Caroline Briggs and unfolded non-stop for the rest of the day across 3 spaces. From West African Ghanian dance and music to Bosnian and Herzegovinian Folk Dance.
From India's Bollywood to Japanese Shotokan Style Karate via Ethno Jazz.

To Hawaiian Hula Dance from Russia with love ‘Raduga’ Choir. Audience pleasing Samoan Dancers warmed the crowd up for the Chinese Ballroom Dancing.
From Burmese Karen Energetic Dancers and Singers to dynamic Latin American Folkloric Music. Roving Chinese Lion Musics and Dancers bowed to Chinese Opera divas.
Kid's were entertained, enthralled and excited throughout. If not performing, by watching, and if not watching, getting involved. On offer was Lantern Painting, 
Face painting for Reconciliation,
Storytelling with La Tarantella: The Italian Spiders Dance, and Watercolour demonstrations.

Food stalls from a diverse range of community groups soothed the taste buds with something for everyone.

On behalf of Buddhist Council Victoria Interfaith (bINTER) and Glen Eira Interfaith Network (GEIFN), thankyou for having us at this place to take part in this dynamic collection of presentations, performers, servers, organisation, skilful programming, food and civic pride, received with gratitude. 


City of Stonnington
Prahran Town Hall, Prahran VIC

ADM | Harnessing religion's power for peace | Wednesday 16 March 2016 | 7.30am (morning please note)

[Edited extract from public address]

What can people of faith do to combat violence, reduce tensions and promote peace?

The world's religions have a mixed record when it comes to war and peace - sometimes complicit and sometimes providing a powerful narrative for peace and understanding.

Join Archbishop Philip Freier, Rabbi Fred Morgan (Rabbi Emeritus of the Temple Beth Israel) and Dr Hass Dellal (Executive Director of the Australian Multicultural Foundation since 1989) as they consider the positive impact religion can have on building peace and tolerance around the world and in Australia. The public conversation will be facilitated by ABC Radio's John Cleary.

Attendees will also have a chance to ask questions, with a Q&A session for the final 20 minutes of the event. The conversation will be recorded and broadcast on ABC Radio after the fact.

Where: Deakin Edge, Federation Square, Melbourne

Cost: Admission is free

Bookings: Not essential, but can be made online through Eventbrite, click here


Anglican Diocese of Melbourne | Conversations with the Archbishop
The Anglican Centre
209 Flinders Lane (enter via corner Flinders Lane and Swanston Street)
Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel:  (61) 03 9653 4220

RAN | Palm Sunday Walk | Justice for Refugees | Sunday 20 March 2016 | 2-4.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

In 2014 nearly 10,000 attended the Palm Sunday rally. In 2015, 75 organisations endorsed the event and an estimated 15,000 people attended. 

Join in to make the 2016 gathering be bigger still. Keep spreading the word on social media and encouraging your friends, family, colleagues etc. to come along as well!

Interfaith Panel:

Rabbi Jonathan Keren-Black - The Leo Baeck Centre;
Mohamed Mohideen - Islamic Council of Victoria; and
Stuart McMillan, President of the Uniting Church in Australia

Music performances:

Dan Sultan, South of the River, Littlefoot and Shaking The Tree. Dan Sultan will be performing at the end of the march in Queen Vic Gardens; half the speakers will also be at the end of the march.


The Refugee Advocacy Network

GEIFN | Media Words | March

Approx 5 min reads appearing from around the Nation.

Farrah Tomazin reports effectiveness of a program proven to minimise ignorance, violence and abuse and other reasons why "Safe Schools program is making a difference" via The Age

Cynthia Karena discusses with Alicia Jakovich about motherhood, gaming and gender portrayal, revealing "Gamer girls: the battle for pixelated gender equality" via The Sydney Morning Herald

Alana Rosenbaum shares the story of a Nauru-solution survivor "How refugee and Nauru detainee Nabi Baqiri became a fruit-picking millionaire" via The Sydney Morning Herald

Lindsay Murdoch explores atrocities, legacy and public record when "Khmer Rouge survivor Bunhom Chhorn films return to camp of his childhood" via The Sydney Morning Herald

Carolyn Rance writes of NSW's educating, planting, growing and harvesting interconnectedness resulting from "Early introduction to environmental action" via The Age

Stephanie Bunbury explores Australians abroad and how "ABC TV Indigenous series Cleverman provokes curiosity at Berlin Film Festival" via The Canberra Times

Cameron Woodhead gives a report card while shining a torch on "Fourth White Night: a bit of a light night even with record crowds" via The Age

REPORT | ICM | #I'll Dine With You | Monday 29 February 2016 | 6:30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Love of the good, love of the neighbour

An inspirational evening along a spectacularly Interfaith eighty-metre dining table in the heart of Melbourne.

The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne together with 17 interfaith and other organisations invited interested friends and members of the public. An interfaith and intercultural open-air dining experience in active support of our vibrant diverse communities.

Guests were treated to dynamic, witty and engaging spoken word poetry by Sukhit Kaur Khalsa. Warm Introduction and Acknowledgement of Country given by Rev Helen Summers. Acting Lord Mayor Susan Riley embodied the Melbourne spirit with facts, statistics and infectious civic pride.

The vegetarian food received many glowing comments. Kibbet Addis, Nokul from Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Catering. Vietnamese Salad and Date Cake with Butterscotch Sauce by Lentil as Anything. Lentil Curry, Steamed Rice, Chapatis and Indian Rice Pudding from The Sikh Community of Victoria with assistance from Hare Krishnas.

The assembled was coached and encouraged in the art of Interfaith Conversation by Monique Toohey. Just in case we'd missed the wonderful conversation starters at the back of the program and felt shy.

Throughout the meal, inspiring music was provided by Zak Wilson (guitar) and Rasheeda Cooper (tabla) with later set by Zourouna: Yucal Ashkar (oud), Byron Tryandafillidas (bouzouki) and George El-Azar (daf).

A result of many young and old hands making Light work. This cooperative and inviting example of faiths, governments and enterprises working together achieved a well-considered and enthusiastic support from participants and curious onlookers. Organisers encouraged us to ask awkward questions of each other and instantly update social media accounts with photos and responses while at the table. Spread the words "Love of the good, love of the neighbour."

On behalf of Buddhist Council Victoria Interfaith (bINTER) and Glen Eira Interfaith Network (GEIFN), thankyou for having us at this place to take part in this dynamic collection of speakers, performers, servers, organisation, skilful programming, food and leadership, received with gratitude. 

Where: City Square, cnr Swanston Street & Collins Street, Melbourne


#I'll Dine With You | World Interfaith Harmony Week 2016
The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne
Tel (03) 9650 7163
Mobile: 0400 228 146

PPLS | Cultural Diversity Week | Zourouna – Middle Eastern & Eastern European music | Wednesday 16 March | 6.30-7.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Come experience Zourouna, a Melbourne-based band specialising in Middle Eastern and Eastern European Music. 

Uniquely entertaining repertoire with traditional and modern tunes from countries such as Greece, Lebanon, Turkey and Israel to name a few.
Zourouna likes to take its listeners on a cultural journey with non-existing borders.

Where: St Kilda Library Community Room

Cost: Free

Bookings: online through Eventbrite.
A waiting list is available on Eventbrite if you are unable to secure a ticket. If you book and are unable to attend please let us know so that we can pass your ticket on to someone on our waitlist.


Run in partnership with Council’s Access and Inclusion unit in state-wide celebration.
Port Phillip Library Service
Tel: 9209 6655 or

CoS | Flavours | 5 March 2016 | 11am-4pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Travel the world in just one day with Stonnington's free annual Flavours festival.

Hosted by comedian Mia Stanford, the free one-day event celebrates culture, traditions and heritage from around the globe with a day of food and craft stalls, demonstrations, workshops and performances.

For the first time, Flavours will take place at Functions On Chapel at Prahran Town Hall in a market-style event with a focus on the rich cultural diversity of Stonnington’s local community.

Program Glimpse, savoured over 3 Spaces:
Didgeridoo Performance
African Dance Performance
Bosnian and Herzegovinian Folk Dance Performance
Bollywood Performance and Workshop
Traditional Japanese Shotokan Style Karate Demonstration
Ethno Jazz
Indian Dance Performance
Hawaiian Hula Dance Performance and Workshop
‘Raduga’ Russian Choir Performance
Samoan Dance Performance and Workshop
Traditional Japanese Shotokan Style Karate Demonstration
Ethno Jazz
Ballroom Dance Performance
Tibetan Dance Performance
Latin American Folkloric Music
Bosnian and Herzegovinian Folk Dance Performance
Roving Chinese Lion Dance
Latin American Folkloric Music

Roving Chinese Lion Dance
Tibetan Dance performance
Chinese Opera
Kid's activities (all day):
  • Kids Lantern Painting Workshop with SmartArt 
  • Face painting with Stonnington Citizens for Reconciliation
  • Storytelling and Kid's Workshops with Nomit Inc - La Tarantella: The Italian Spiders Dance 
  • Watercolour demonstrations by Kat Gutierrez, hosted by the New Hope Foundation 
Cost: Free community event. All welcome.


City of Stonnington
Prahran Town Hall, Prahran VIC
Tel 8290 1333

SCA | Inspiration in Diversity - The Shifting Sands of Spiritual Care | Sunday 1 May-Wednesday 4 May 2016

[Edited extract from public address]

Around the theme of “Inspiration in Diversity”, a Conference that will stretch understanding and deepen experience of “the other” and of “the self”. 

Welcome to the SCA Conference 2016! There will be stories from people of other faiths – people of other racial background – people whose life’s journey has taken them places different and similar to your own.

With the sub-theme of “The shifting sands of spiritual care”, we will explore those things that are changing – and those things that stay the same. There will be workshops on practical subjects and seminars and papers sessions to stretch us. We will have ways for you to engage your heart and soul in ritual, and ways to engage with your colleagues over meals. Whatever your religious tradition, your field of chaplaincy, your age or your level of experience, we believe there will be something for you at Melbourne 2016.

For more program details, check the SCA website.

Cost:  Early Bird Rate   |  Member $550  |  Non Member $650  |  Single Day $250 (Early Bird Rate closes 29 February)

Registrations: Online click here.

Where: Bayview on the Park, 52 Queens Road, Melbourne


Spiritual Care Australia Office:
Tel: 03 9895 4447

KIN | Harmony Week | Interfaith Art of Peace Dinner | Wednesday 23 March 2016 | 7-9pm

[Edited extract from public address]

A night of multicultural food, entertainment and led discussion on Art of Peace

Guest Speaker: William Kelly OAM. William was born in New York City. William is a writer, painter, printmaker, peace activist and a recipient of the prestigious Courage of Conscience Award from the Peace Abby in America. He is the only visual artist to receive an Australian Violence Prevention Award from the Prime Minister and heads of Australian Government.

Who: All welcome.

Where: Southern Community Church of Christ, 2/12 Chesterville Rd, Cheltenham

Bookings: essential on or Tel 03 9581 4734


Kingston Interfaith Network
Tel 03 9581 4734

EWB | Link Festival | 7-8 March 2016

[Edited extract from public address]

Led by humanitarian group Engineers Without Borders, this event encourages Australia's leading designers, architects and engineers to be the agents of positive social change.

Who: Check out inspiring line up at

Where: Federation Square, Corner Swanston St & Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Student $249
Individual / Sole Trader $399
NGO / Social Enterprise $499
Corporate / Government $699
(Buy 5 or more tickets and receive 15% off the total price.)

Bookings: Online
Also available Sydney | 11 March | 9am-5.30pm


Engineers Without Borders with Wildwon
Link Festival
Tel: +61 3 9329 1166

CCCJ | Belonging Matters | Sunday 6 March 2016 | 3pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Including People with Disabilities in Religious Communities


  • Rev Andy Calder - A Uniting Church minister working in the area of disability inclusion, located in the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania
  • Melinda Jones - A Modern Orthodox Jewish feminist, an Australian human rights lawyer and a disability/inclusion advocate.

Where: Leo Baeck Centre, 33-37 Harp Road Kew 3101

Cost: $10.00 including Kosher tea.

Bookings: Tickets at the door. If possible please advise attendance by advising office on details below.


Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria)
326 Church Street Richmond 3121
Tel 9429 5212

JCMA-ACU | Interfaith Film Festival | Sunday 10 April | 12.30-6pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Come see the light at this Interfaith Film Festival

The JCMA, Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia Women’s Committee and ACU, Australian Catholic University, are delighted to announce three features:
  • Different Books, Common Word – 1h (Muslim / Christian)
  • Solomon & Gaenor –  1h 42m (Jewish/Christian)
  • Arranged – 1h 33 m (Muslim/Jewish)
When: Sunday 10 April 2016. Arrive 12.30pm for registration. Films 1-6pm

ACU Campus, 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy (entrance off Young Street)
Christ Lecture Theatre (5) & Mercy Lecture Theatre (6). ACU map:  Google maps:

Cost: Donation of $15 Light Refreshments provided.

Bookings: online at Eventbrite:


Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia (JCMA)
383 Albert St., East Melbourne Vic 3002
Ginette Everest (Usual Working days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays)
Tel (03) 9287 5590
Mob: 0400 211 221

JCMA | Come on a Joint Journey to Jerusalem - Understanding Each Other | 22-31 May 2016

[Edited extract from public address]

In May 2016, twelve people from the Jewish, Christian, Muslim faiths in Melbourne will embark on an incredible journey of discovery to Jerusalem

What: The group will consist of twelve people, four from each of the three Abrahamic faiths comprising spiritual leaders and lay people, men and women.  They will visit each other's historical sacred places to study and share texts, to listen to each other's story and to truly 'meet' in the City of Jerusalem which is so sacred to all three traditions.

Who: We have the three faith leaders in place and are now seeking expressions of interest for nine other participants to join the group, 3 from each faith for the 2016 Joint Journey to Jerusalem

When: from Sunday 22 May to Tuesday 31 May.

How to apply: Complete the registration form on the attached flyer or download from the jcma website JCMA Joint Journey to Jerusale2016 flyer and send to Ian Smith at Level 4, 306 Lt Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 or email

Expression of interest due: Sunday 6th March 2016.  Successful applicants will be notified within two weeks of that date.


Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia (JCMA)
383 Albert St., East Melbourne Vic 3002
Please see website or Facebook page.
Rev Ian Smith
Tel 0408 313 610
Ginette Everest (Usual Working days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays)
Tel (03) 9287 5590
Mob: 0400 211 221

HIN | Multi-Faith Service | Tuesday 8 March 2016 | 5.30-7pm

[Edited extract from public address]

An event to give insight into the different faiths that represent Hume City and celebration of strength in diversity.

Where: Broadmeadows Town Hall, 1079 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows


Hume Interfaith Network

This event is supported by Hume City Council.

FIN | Harmony Day: Understanding the range of beliefs, practices and traditions within faiths | Sunday 20 March 2016 | 2-4pm

[Edited extract from public address]

An afternoon to listen, learn and deepen our understanding of the range of beliefs, practices and traditions within Abrahamic faiths.

Across Christianity, Islam and Judaism, groups range in practice and beliefs. Come along to find out more about the variety within these religions from approachable and learned speakers.

Where: Cube 37, 37 Davey Street Frankston

Cost: Free

Reservations: Essential. RSVP 17 March 2017


The Frankston Interfaith Network
Tel: 03 9784 1851

Proudly supported by Frankston City Council and State Government Victoria.

BMIN | Spiritual Exchange | Places of Worship Bus Tours | March 2016

[Edited extract from public address]

Be a part of Cultural Diversity Week 2016 with Brimbank Maribyrnong Interfaith Network Spiritual Exchange Tours

This is an opportunity to witness the religious and cultural diversity of the western region of Melbourne and regional Victoria.

Western Region of Melbourne

Friday 4 March 2016 | 9am-4pm
-- Sunshine Mosque, Sunshine
-- Sikh Temple, Hoppers Crossing
-- Quang Minh Buddhist Temple, Braybrook
Reserve your seat for 4 March now online 


Friday 18 March 2016 | 9am-4pm
Visit two places of worship based in Trentham, Victoria
Enjoy a guided spiritual bush walk in the Wombat Forest
Reserve your place for 18 March online 

Cost: Free. registration is essential. Limited spaces. Light lunch and refreshments provided. All welcome to attend.

Note: Please wear comfortable shoes and modest clothing covering thighs and shoulders. You may be asked to remove your shoes or cover your head to enter some areas of worship.

Register: online above or call 9688 0342


Brimbank Maribyrnong Interfaith Network

KHT | Weaving and the Environment: A workshop with Marilyn Nicholls | Saturday 26th March 2016 | 1-3.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Join master weaver Marilyn Nicholls in a workshop exploring traditional weaving techniques and knowledge of natural materials used to make various forms. 

Marilyn is a descendant of Freshwater Murray River peoples and Saltwater people of the Coorong Coast in South Australia. Growing up along the Murray (Miloo) River she is actively involved in the environmental issues related to where she harvests native grasses.

In the afternoon you will learn basic weaving techniques and gain an understanding of how the craft has evolved through maintaining the natural environment where the materials are sourced.

Marilyn is a based in Wood Wood, winner of the Victorian Indigenous Art Award in 2008 and has a series of works held in the Koorie Heritage Trust Collection.

Cost: $33 (inc. GST)

Where: Koorie Heritage Trust Level 3 Yarra Building, Federation Square

Booking: online or contact 8662 6336


Koorie Heritage Trust Inc

Levels 1 & 3, Yarra Building, Federation Square | Melbourne VIC 3000 | Australia
tel +61 3 8662 6300 | fax +61 3 9602 4333

KHT acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Melbourne, the people of the Kulin Nation.

FIN | Embracing Peace | A Multicultural Celebration for Victorian Cultural Diversity Week 2016 | Saturday 19 March 2016 | 5-9pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Fostering exchange of goodwill and ideas to achieving, tending and flourishing peace and harmony within a multi-cultural community. 

Event includes a panel discussion on peace. Panel members include representatives from the Amberley-Edmund Rice Centre, Buddhist Society of Victoria, Frankston Interfaith Network, Vishva Hindu Parishad of Australia and Yo-Veda Inc. Each panel member will provide a five to ten minute address on ways to enhance social inclusiveness within diverse cultural settings. The event also includes a prayer for peace and a variety of cultural songs and dances with dinner to follow. The gathering will start at 5.00 p.m. and dinner served around 8.00 pm.

Program highlights:
  • Community Dialogue
  • Prayer for Peace and Harmony
  • Cultural Performances
  • A Sumptuous Vegetarian Dinner

Where: Amma's Ashram Hall, 842 Frankston-Dandenong Road, Carrum Downs

Who: All are welcome. Come and join us to celebrate Victoria's rich cultural diversity!

Cost: free event.


The Frankston Interfaith Network in association with MA Centre
Nava Tel: 0415 966 375
MA Centre (Aust) Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation inspired by the world humanitarian leader, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. Its key mission is to promote community well-being through cultural, spiritual and humanitarian activities. For more information visit: