CSM | UN International Peace Day | ASCOT VALE | DINNER TALK | Tuesday 20 September 2016 | 6-8.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Join in a family friendly and a very festival celebration which brings together diverse Multi faith, Multicultural and Community Groups. There will be a children's program and the event is on school holidays.

Program Highlights
Master of Ceremony Dr Sonia Singh
Special Guest Uncle Boydie Turner
Welcome to Country by Uncle Ian Hunter
Keynote Speech by Abdi Aden
Guest Interfaith Musician Dya Singh
Guest Performer Andrew Williams
Feature Performance by Kate Ceberano

Where: Church of Scientology Melbourne
231 – 251 Mt Alexander Road
Ascot Vale Vic 3032

Cost: Free. Dinner and entertainment provided.

Bookings: Maria Meilak Tel: 0409 046 172

Maria Meilak, Community Projects Coordinator
Church of Scientology Melbourne
231 – 251 Mt Alexander Road
Ascot Vale Vic 3032
Tel: 9654 8655

A collaboration with Melton Interfaith Network