PWR | 3rd Global Conference on World's Religions After September 11 | Montreal | 15 September 2016

[Edited extract from public address]

From Faith to Interfaith

We invite you to explore the more positive possibilities of the religious dimension of life by attending the third Global Conference on World’s Religions after September 11

The ground may not have shifted under our feet at the moment but the very concept of religion underwent a paradigm shift for many of us. Instead of standing for virtue and piety, and peace and harmony, the word religion was launched on a semantic trajectory which would make it a byword for evil, aggression and terror.

But is there not more to religion than this?

Don’t miss out on discussions about critical issues of faith in today's world. Witness the release of the first ever Declaration of Human Rights by the World’s Religions.

Speakers Include:
  • Karen Armstrong
  • Gregory Baum
  • Deepak Chopra
  • Harvey Cox
  • Phil Fontaine
  • Susannah Heschel
  • Amir Hussain
  • Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
  • Charles Taylor
How: Attend, or participate via LiveStream. Register online

Parliament of the World's Religions
70 East Lake Street, Suite 205 Chicago, IL 60601

The "3rd Global Conference of World's Religions After September 11" is organized and produced independent of the Parliament.