MIN | Places of Worship Tour | Wednesday 22 February 2017 | 9.30am–2pm

[Edited extract from public address]

A bus trip into friendliness

2 Pick-up points: 
  9.30am | Melton City Council carpark, 232 High St, Melton VIC 3337
10.00am | Caroline Springs Library carpark, 31 McKenzie Street, Melton

Cyprus Turkish Islamic Community Mosque
618 Ballarat Road, Ardeer
Special requirements: Take shoes off before entering the Mosque. Ladies to wear scarf while inside

Kundrathu Murugan Kumaran Sri Lankan Hindu Temple
110 Gray Court, Rockbank
Special requirements: Take shoes off before entering the temple

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
599 High Street, Melton

Returns to origin points:
2.00pm | Melton City Council
2.30pm | Caroline Springs Library

Cost: Free

Inclusions: Lunch will be provided at the Church for all participants

Bookings: RSVP 15 February 2017 to Maria


The Melton Interfaith Network

Tel: 0409 046 172