JCMA | TALK AGM | ‘New Kids On The Block’- Interfaith Conversations | Thursday 16 November 2017 | 6.45pm for 7 pm start

[Edited extract from public address]

What is the interfaith experience like for young people of faith today, the next generation?  Is interfaith important and what are the challenges?  

Come along and hear three young inspirational members of JCMA, Eva Sweid, Bracha Rafael and Amna Iqbal reflect on their own personal experiences. Stay for Annual General Meeting.

Where: The Cathedral Room, Cardinal Knox Centre, 383 Albert Street, East Melbourne

Bookings: RSVP here online through EventBrite

Inclusions: Light supper supplied (Halal & Kosher). Parking is available at the back of the building, entry from Lansdowne Street. The Cathedral Room is entered from the car park.

Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia Inc. (JCMA)
Post: JCMA, PO Box 146, East Melbourne Vic 8002
Tel: 03 9287 5590