VMC | CALLING | Entries for Primary School Short Film Competition | CLOSES Friday 9 March 2018

[Edited extract from public address]

Calling all teachers and parents of budding young filmmakers across Victoria.

Primary age children are invited to produce a short film of up to five minutes under the theme This is what a Victorian looks like. 
Winning prizes for students include a complimentary family entry into the Immigration Museum, Melbourne Museum, Scienceworks and IMAX Melbourne, and shortlisted films will be screened at a temporary exhibition at the Immigration Museum between 25 March and 1 April 2018.

Schools can also find a range of exciting activities to engage students in Victoria’s cultural diversity inside the new Teacher’s Resource Kit.

Victorian Multicultural Commission
Post: Level 9, 1 Spring St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: (03) 7017 8171