PPLS | AUTHOR TALK | Maree Coote: Art of Melbourne | Wednesday 6 June 2018 | 6.30-7.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Join Maree Coote on a fascinating journey as she discusses the representation Melbourne in Art. 

One of the very first to identify the contemporary rise of Melbourne’s cultural and place power, Maree is an energetic inspirational speaker. Her unique understanding of her topic (Melbourne) is made accessible through her command of history, culture, art and design for a wide variety of audiences.

According to Philip Adams, “Melbourne never had a more ingenious ambassador.” Coote’s first book The Melbourne Book: A History of Now is in its fourth edition after 12+ years in print, and has been dubbed ‘Melbourne’s Bible’.

Where: St Kilda Library, 150 Carlisle Street, St Kilda Vic 3182

Cost: Free

Bookings: online through EventBrite

City of Port Phillip Council
Port Phillip Library Service (PPLS)
Tel: 9209 6655