GOVV | ENGAGING | Deadly Questions | Now Online

[Edited extract from public address]

You ask. Aboriginal Victorians answer.

Deadly Questions is an opportunity to learn about Aboriginal Victorians – their histories, cultures, connection to place and hopes for the future.
Many people have never engaged with these questions. Maybe it’s embarrassing to admit this, so it’s easier to hold back on asking. Some people fear offending or simply have no-one to ask.

Deadly Questions is a chance to begin the conversation.

Advancing Aboriginal self-determination and Treaty or Treaties are key Victorian Government priorities. This commitment acknowledges the strong link between self-determination and improved outcomes. It recognises that Aboriginal Victorians have the knowledge and expertise to know what is best for them, their families and their communities.

Are you ready to step out of the dark and ask a question?

State Government of Victoria
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Post: 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne Victoria 3002
Tel: (03) 9651 5111
Email: dp&

The campaign has been developed as part of the Victorian Government's commitment to self-determination and Treaty.