PPLS | ANNOUNCING | City of Port Phllip Library branch closures | 19 March 2020

[Edited extract from public address]

Mindful of the current public health situation, and as a precautionary measure to help limit the impact of COVID-19, Port Phillip Council will be closing all library branches to the public until further notice.

Council considers the health, safety and well-being of the community to be our top priority.

While we are closed your current loans will not become overdue, items can be returned via our after-hours chutes, and any current reservations will be held for you until such time as we reopen – please do not visit branches to collect items. Items can still be reserved and requested while we are closed.

Access to free wi-fi is still available around our branches, and you can keep informed about library news via our website.

Port Phillip Library Service (PPLS)
City of Port Phillip
Tel: 03 9209 6655