CoPP | THIS | Update of Opportunities for City of Port Phillip and Beyond | Tuesday 8 September 2020

[Edited extract from public address]

Connecting and strengthening communities through inclusion and partnership.

CoPP | COVID-19 Community Quick Response Grant | applications now open, closing 4pm Wednesday 16 September

Through this program, funding is provided to support projects that provide immediate benefits to our community. For service providers or community organisations striving to remove digital barriers for socially isolated community members and to deliver programs that support social connections and community resilience.

Find out more and apply now

If you have any queries about this grants program, please contact the Grants & Funding Officer on phone: 9209 6162 or email:

CoPP | Love My Place Grants | applications open now, closing Sunday 27 September 2020

Love My Place grants provide support to our community with an opportunity to trial new ideas through experiential activities. As well as financial support of up to $10,000, City of Port Phillip (CoPP) can support successful applicants to reactivate public space through unique events and projects ranging from events, music projects, art installations or activations, lighting, seating, amenity, indigenous trails, games and community social gatherings to enhance connections.

Find out more from the website or if you have any queries about this grants program, please contact the Alexander Albrecht on 0424 190 202 or Carine Bourcier on 0466 496 731 or email:

ID | Grant application guide - A step-by-step guide to a stronger funding application

.ID The Population Experts have put produced a guide based on their framework for writing successful funding applications. You can access data, case studies, sample text and practical tips to assist with your applications. A copy of the guide can be downloaded on their website.

GOVS | VicHealth Partnership Grant | applications open Wednesday 16 September 2020

VicHealth is offering grants of up to $3K, $10K or $50K for local organisations who can support young people (aged 0-25 years) or Victorians experiencing disadvantage, by creating meaningful social connection, providing opportunities for physical activity or by addressing food security issues. Details, including grant guidelines can be found on the VicHealth website.

GOVA | Volunteering Victoria Supplementary Grants | applications open now, closing 20 September 2020

Volunteering Victoria, on behalf of the Australian Government, is pleased to offer 2020 Supplementary Volunteer Grants to volunteer involving organisations across Victoria to support the efforts of volunteers in building stronger, more resilient communities.

Grants of between $1,000 to $5,000 can be used by volunteer involving organisations and community groups to support the efforts of their volunteers and encourage and increase participation in volunteering.


City of Port Phillip (CoPP)
Tel: (03) 9209 6777