EQPR | TRAINING | Advocacy Masterclass | March-April 2021

[Edited extract from public address]

A 2-day Advocacy Masterclass program will be held in 5 cities early next year! Between March and April 2021, join us in Port Douglas, Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney or Melbourne.

Hone your advocacy skills and meet other passionate change makers who want to tell powerful stories and lead the narrative for positive change!

Early bird registration is now open and starts at $99 ex GST.

Scholarships Open

We provide scholarships to all of our training programs. We encourage LGBTIQA+ advocates, change makers and community leaders from regional and rural areas, multicultural/multi-faith communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and people with a disability to apply.

A number of fully paid scholarships are available for people from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities. You may also be eligible if you are an unwaged and/or on Jobseeker. Please don't hesitate to apply.


The Equality Project Ltd (EQPR)