GEIFN | MIXING | Media | February 2024

Best wishes for less Suffering, more Happiness with Good Health and Time to Enjoy it. Welcome to Myanmar Calendar year 1386.

Sharing a timely aspiration:
“Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people.”
Spencer Johnson, American physician and author (1938-2017)

If having no reason to commemorate this month, here are 3 prepared earlier:

This is the Re:fuse Edition. Of 16th CE English origin via Italian from Latin re = again, go back to, focus; fus = poured, melted. And 17th CE English origin via Italian from Latin re = again; fuso = spindle.

  1. object of possession in to have a fuse. Ie, safety device on electrical devices
  2. an action to unite indistinguisably. Ie, use heat to fuse the compounds together
  3. object to deliver intention when a wick – a variable length of combustible material, spun together to form a tight cord, usually inserted into a volatile, combustible or explodable compound. Ie, they wanted to light the candle so lit the wick
  4. marker of emotional volatility. Ie, the boss has a short fuse today
  5. marker of time. Ie, the bomb expert needed time to leave the scene so a 5 min fuse was used
  6. This edition we explore Re:fuse. Not to Con:fuse with refuse = rubbish, unwanted, or refuse = decline, say No.
Read on intrepid Grabbers, and let's see what is to discover this edition. Subscribers decide if anything is useful.


  1. Guest Sings
  2. Stream Jives
  3. Wisdom Reconciles
  4. Media Writes
  5. TED Talks
  6. Music Challenges
  7. Acknowledgments

    1. Guest Sings

    Approx 5 min presentation 

    2. Street Jives

    Approx 2 min presentation 

    3. Wisdom Reconciles

    4. Media Writes

    Approx 5 min reads

    Wendy Tuohy explores fertility, birth and prospects as "Baby Frankie brings joy early as his parents wish for peace in the new year” via The Age

    Kerrie O’Brien explores diversity, visibility and representation when overcoming being "Crushed by the Voice and often in tears, Deborah Mailman keeps it real” via WA Today

    Margaret Simons explores mixed-marriages, migration and determination are some of the reasons why "She’s ‘Asia’s sweetheart’, but have you heard of Aussie-born celebrity Anne Curtis?” via The Brisbane Times 

    Daniella White explores gender, history and determination in "‘Isn’t really for people like me’: How Annalise became a Rhodes Scholar” via The Age

    Sherryn Groch and Nicole Precel explore elite sport, injury and rehabilitation recounting how "They fixed a ‘broken’ ballet star. Now these researchers are schooling footy players” via The Sydney Morning Herald

    Paula Goodyer explores slow, steady and sustainable steps are key to restoring life balance when "After a marriage breakdown, even a walk to the mailbox was worth celebrating” via WA Today

    Nick McKenzie explores relationships, vocation and in the public interest recounting when "I was about to get married. Then my phone exploded with calls from one person." via The Age

    Angus Holland explores creation, materiality and impermanence in "What’s the art (and science) of making a beautiful sandcastle?” via WA Today

    Wendy Tuohy explores participation, punishment and parenting over lunch with Kylie Moore-Gilbert recounting how she went "From ‘childless divorcee with a criminal record’ to motherhood and a mission” via WA Today

    Derek Gatopoulos and Costas Kantouris explores history, archeology and understanding when "Greece unveils palace where Alexander the Great became king” via WA Today

    Anthony Dennis explores ingenuity, innovation and industry adoption of "The Australian invention that saved countless plane passengers’ lives” via The Sydney Morning Herald

    Karen Kirsten explores history, de-escalating violence and escalating humanisation when "I tell my family’s Holocaust story while I advocate for Palestinians and Israelis” via The Age

    Gyan Yankovich explores team work, sharing time and longevity when "A friendship can mean just as much as a marriage, so why don’t we celebrate them too?” via The Age

    Martin Boulton explores knowledge, purpose and accessibility in "What’s happening at your local library? A lot, apparently” via The Age

    Cassidy Knowlton explores humour, sincerity and creativity over lunch with "Tim Minchin has empathy for Trump-voting, gun-toting homophobic Americans. Just don’t call him a ‘nuance bro’” via The Age

    Amber Schultz explores accountability, personal ingenuity, general accessibility in how "Sick of plastic waste, this construction worker took recycling into his own hands” via The Age

    Andrew Taylor explores employment and respectful workplaces while supporting families and communities are reasons why "Luke’s employer has given him five weeks’ paid leave. The trend is catching on” via The Sydney Morning Herald

    Gary Nunn explores migration, arriving and thriving when reasoning why "‘We need to meet’: The kooky-dressing duo who kick-started a queer sports league” via The Sydney Morning Herald

    Kerrie O’Brien explores identity, connection and belonging in "Think you know what a real Aussie looks like? Think again” via The Sydney Morning Herald

    Alex Crowe explores childhood, engineering and experience over lunch with Arnold Dix - "From Victoria’s troublemaker to India’s hero” via The Brisbane Times

    Jack Latimore explores language, interactive and engaging with an innovative pathway "After the Voice, teachers urged to focus on Indigenous history in classroom” via The Age

    6. Music Challenges

    Approx 30 min presentation + reflection times

    If desired, a short selection of publicly available material on a chosen theme for personal reflection. 

    For best results, sit comfortably with a straight back, have headphones in a shared space, after each clicked link, allow a little reflection with your personally-held view before clicking on the next link.

    Get ready to Reflect!
    Choose your playing level:
    Be introduced at 1.
    Be soothed at 2-4.
    Be shocked at 5.
    Be inspired at 6.
    Fuller illumination 1-6.
    You be the judge. Or not.

    Cryptic Clue:
    Where is the right place for respecting boundaries?
          1. Inspire
          2. Perspire
          3. Collaborate
          4. Engage: Test for personal circumstances, if useful keep, if unuseful discard, if exceeds needs, share mindfully
          5. Endure: Adapt for present times without sacrificing intent
          6. Endear: (Inspiring Others To Tend the Flame) live/ demonstrate/ inspire/ teach experience with others
          This challenge is placing actreactredactexactfact & interact.

          From late Middle English: from Latin actus = event, thing done, act- = done, from the verb agere, reinforced by the French noun acte.

          1. take action; do something. Ie, they urged the goal keeper to act. Ie, the defendant denied the charges, claiming it was an act of self-defence. Ie, we must act to reduce pollution. 
          2. behave in the way specified. Ie, they challenged someone who was seen acting suspiciously. Ie, they act as if they owned the place. Ie, try to act like civilized adults. 
          3. take effect; have a particular effect. Ie, blood samples are analysed to find out how the drug acts in the body. Ie, they should remove taxes that act to suppress demand. 
          4. perform a role in a play, film, or television. Ie, the child acted in their first professional role at the age of six. Ie, the new arrival acted the role of the king. 
            • behave so as to appear to be; pretend to be. Ie, I acted dumb at first. 
          1. a thing done; a deed. Ie, a criminal act. Ie, the act of writing down one's thoughts. Ie, an act of heroism. 
            • (Acts or Acts of the Apostles) a New Testament book immediately following the Gospels and relating the history of the early Church. 
          2. a pretence. Ie, the child was putting on an act and laughing a lot. 
            • a particular type of behaviour or routine. Ie, the guard did a convincing Sir Galahad act. 
          3. (usually Act or Act of Parliament) a written law passed by Parliament, Congress, etc.: the 1989 Children Act. 
            • a document attesting a legal transaction. 
            • (acts) dated the recorded decisions or proceedings of a committee or an academic body. 
          4. a main division of a play, ballet, or opera. Ie, the first act. 
            • a set performance. Ie, a one-person poetry act. 
            • a performing group. Ie, an act called the Apple Blossom Storytellers.

          From late 16th century: from re- = expressing intensive force or reversal, + actus = event, thing done, originally suggested by late Latin react- = done again, from the verb reagere.

          1. act in response to something; respond in a particular way. Ie, they reacted angrily to the news of the dismissal. Ie, the market reacted by falling a further 3.1%. 
            • (react against) respond with hostility or a contrary course of action to. Ie, they reacted against the elite art music of their time. 
            • experience allergic or other adverse physiological effects after ingesting, inhaling, or touching a substance. Ie, many babies react to soy-based formulas. 
            • (Stock Market) fall of share prices after rising. Ie, the shares reacted to $2.22 before rallying to $2.28. 
          2. (Chemistry & Physics) interact and undergo a chemical or physical change. Ie, the sulphur in the coal reacts with the limestone during combustion. 
            • cause (a substance) to undergo a chemical or physical change by interacting with another substance. Ie, in the new process, the ammonia will be reacted with oxygen.

          From early 19th century: back-formation from redaction. Redact is found earlier in English (from late Middle English) in other senses = combine, arrange, reduce to a certain state; derived from Latin redact-, redigere = bring back.

          • edit (text) for publication. Ie, a confidential memo which has been redacted from 25 pages to just one paragraph. 
            • censor or obscure (part of a text) for legal or security purposes.

          From late Middle English (as a verb): from Latin exact- = completed, ascertained, enforced; from the verb exigere, from ex- = thoroughly + agere = perform, thing done. The adjective dates from the mid 16th century and reflects the Latin exactus = precise.

          • not approximated in any way; precise. Ie, the exact details were still being worked out. 
            • accurate or correct in all details. Ie, an exact replica, 2 metres tall, was constructed. 
            • (of a person) accurate and careful about minor details. Ie, the boss was an exact, clever manager. 
            • (of a subject of study) permitting precise measurements as a basis for rigorously testable theories. Ie, psychomedicine isn't an exact science yet. 
          • demand and obtain (something) from someone. Ie, they exacted promises that another scandal would not be allowed to happen. 
            • inflict (revenge) on someone. Ie, the loser exacted a cruel revenge against the winning candidate.

          From late 15th century: from Latin factum, neuter past participle of facere = do. The original sense was ‘an act’, later ‘a crime’, surviving in the phrase before (or after) the fact. The earliest of the current senses (‘truth, reality’) dates from the late 16th century.

          • a thing that is known or proved to be true. Ie, they ignore some historical and economic facts. Ie, the most commonly known fact about hedgehogs is that they have fleas. Ie, a body of fact. 
            • (facts) information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article. Ie, even the most inventive journalism peters out without facts, and in this case there were no facts. 
            • (mainly Law) the truth about events as opposed to interpretation. Ie, there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter.

          From from Old French entre- or Latin inter = between, among, mutually, reciprocally + late Middle English: from Latin actus = event, thing done, act- = done, from the verb agere, reinforced by the French noun acte.

          • act in such a way as to have an effect on each other. Ie, all the stages in the process interact. 
            • communicate or be involved directly. Ie, the users interact directly with the library. Ie, people who interact daily.

          -- Chant Mantrastyle

          Why? Why not?
          Start today. 
          As the case may be.
          Or not.

          7. Acknowledgments

          Acknowledging traditional inhabitants of Cities of Port Phillip and Glen Eira are the Boon Wurrung, Bunurong and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Kulin NationRespect is offered to past, present and future elders of all spiritual traditions. May we find together a generous way to accommodate those in need of refuge. Let us be cool, strive individually and together to overcome inequality, violence, disengagement, tragedy and injustice wherever it may be. Let us honour, savor and enjoy results of mindful effort so more thrive peacefully with less effort in our place called home.

          Invitation to Support Content Creators
          The music/stories/videos have been sourced from public domain. If you like any of the content, please consider buying directly from online marketplaces to support creators and truth telling in the public interest.

          Caretaker Disclosure
          Words and concepts are conditional things that point to a 'reflection of experience'. They are limited and do not adequately describe the 'full lived experience'. Like the moon's reflection on a lake's surface, it is not the moon, nor the experience of gazing up at the darkened sky transformed by the presence of a full moon. It is in the eyes/ears/nose/mouth/touch/cognisance of the beholder.

          This curation is an interpretation of the universal basis of re:lig:ion (Latin = again:uniting:energy) or bodhicitta (Sanskrit = Awakening Consciousness). This email invites a sharing of countless thoughts, words and actions wishing, causing and receiving less Suffering and more Happiness. For benefit initially of the individual increasing in beneficiaries until it includes all across the 3 times and 10 directions. Or not. As each case may be.

          It is not personal, it just the way things are.

          Jackie Huggins, Bidjara/Pitjara, Birri Gubba Juru woman and Aboriginal Australian