PPLS | TALKING | With Author Robyn Annear | Tuesday 27 February 2024 | 6.30–8pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Come and hear Robyn speak about her latest book, Corners of Melbourne at our Emerald Hill Library. 

Robyn Annear is author of eight books of history, including Bearbrass, A City Lost & Found: Whelan the Wrecker’s Melbourne, Adrift in Melbourne and, most recently, Corners of Melbourne: The great orange-peel panic & other stories from the streets. She appeared in the award-winning 2022 documentary, The Lost City of Melbourne. In her podcast, Nothing on TV, Robyn presents stories from Trove historical newspapers.


Port Phillip Library Service (PPLS)
City of Port Phillip
Address: 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda, VIC 3182 Australia
Telephone: 03 9209 6655