PWR | A Shared Expression of Sorrow and Distress | 6 July 2016

[Edited extract from public address]
To Our Muslim Sisters and Brothers,

Those of us who are not Muslims cannot imagine how devastating the tragic events of the last days of Ramadan have been for you.

We know that there is wide consensus that these terrorist attacks are largely based in politics and that Islam is being used in distorted ways and manipulated for political purposes.

The victims, the families and friends of the victims, are all in our prayers.

Know that we share in your sorrow and distress and that we stand with you in the struggle for compassion overcoming hate and mercy bringing an end to violence.

May the blessings of peace come to our earth.

In Peace,
Larry Greenfield
Executive Director

Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions
70 East Lake Street, Suite 205, Chicago, IL 60601 USA
Tel: 312-629-2990