[Edited extract from public address]
A new round of multicultural festivals and events grants is now open to support organisers of community events that celebrate Victoria’s rich diversity.
The Victorian Government has announced more than $2 million in funding available under the new Multicultural Festivals and Events Program for events that will be held during the 2017-2018 financial year.
Organisations can apply for small grants capped at $10,000 and large grants of up to $100,000, while schools can apply for funding of up to $2,000 to support cultural diversity celebrations for students.
Successful bids will showcase Victoria’s multicultural traditions through food, music and culture, demonstrate the impact of events for the community and engage the wider public in diversity celebrations.
“As part of Victorian. And proud of it. this year, community groups will be required to open up festivals and events to the broader public to share in the cultural traditions that make Victoria the best place on earth,” said Minister Scott.
Visit the website http://www.multicultural.vic.gov.au/grants
Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC)
Level 3, 3 Treasury Place, East Melbourne Vic 3002
Postal: GPO Box 4698, Melbourne Vic 3001
Tel: 03 9651 0651. For all grant related enquires please call 1300 366 356.
Email: info@vmc.vic.gov.au
Website: multicultural.vic.gov.au
The Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) plays a key role on an independent panel for the government’s community grants programs, which uses a comprehensive merit system to assess applications.