Organisations can apply for small grants capped at $10,000 and large grants of up to $100,000, while schools can apply for funding of up to $2,000 to support cultural diversity celebrations for students.
Applications are now open for grants to support organisers of community events that celebrate Victoria’s rich diversity.The Victorian Government is committed to promoting and enhancing the social, cultural and economic benefits of cultural diversity to all Victorians.
The Multicultural Festivals and Events (MFE) program encourages participation of the whole Victorian community in festivals and events to celebrate and embrace our vibrant multicultural diversity. This initiative is administered by the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Multicultural Affairs and Social Cohesion (MASC) Division.
The objectives of the program are to:
- showcase the vibrancy and contribution of Victoria’s multiculturalism through regular celebrations and events that encourage participation of the whole community;
- foster cross-cultural awareness, understanding, respect, community unity and intercultural relationships;
- ensure that Victoria’s multicultural communities can celebrate, preserve and share traditions in meaningful ways; and
- build the capacity and experience of smaller or newer community groups to deliver events through the development of genuine partnerships between community organisations.
What funding is available?
Three streams of funding are available:
- Small Grants - $500 to $10,000, for small celebrations and events;
- Large Grants - $10,001 to $100,000, for large festivals and events; and
- School Grants ($500 to $2,000 for Victorian primary and secondary (Prep through Year 12) educational institutions holding Cultural Diversity Week events during or around Cultural Diversity Week).
Multi-year funding up to three years will be considered for:
annual events that have been successfully delivered for the last five years or more; and
events based in regional Victoria that have been successfully delivered and funded by MASC and/or the Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) at least once before in the last three years.
Victorian Multicultural Commission
Level 3, 3 Treasury Place, East Melbourne Vic 3002
GPO Box 4698, Melbourne Vic 3001
Tel: 03 9651 0651. For all grant related enquires please call 1300 366 356.