CAEN | COMMEMORATING | Multicultural/Interfaith Sukkah (pronounced "Su-ka") | Thursday 17 October 2019 | arrive 6pm for 6.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

The time for increasing racial harmony is clearly upon us. Join us under a Tabernacle of Peace for a Sukkat Shalom Peace Party

Aside from Jewish attendance, and those not of faith, we have received confirmation of attendance, inspiration by, representation of the following:
- Aboriginal community (including 3 direct descendants of Uncle William Cooper)
- Nedra/Vedic Yoga Master in the Hindu "Shivaite" tradition
- Christian clergy/chaplaincy from a spectrum of Christian practice
- Muslim community leadership, including outstanding upcoming young women leaders
- activists from the Climate Emergency campaign, LGBTIQA+ advocacy, the Free Assange movement & various comrades from Social Justice and Human Rights causes
Jewish representation will include at least a dozen different streams of thought/ideology, including:
- Orthodox Rabbis, & congregants of East Melbourne Synagogue
- participants of the Jewish/Christian/Muslim pilgrimage to Jerusalem
- President, Progressive Judaism Victoria
- M'sorti (Conservative) Judaism
- Jews Against Fascism
and many other worldviews, younger and elder.

It is anticipated that the participatory discussion will equally feature input from the Grassroots (you and me) as much as say high-profile Judges and Faith Leaders.

In addition, there will be Supper under the Stars, & Music - please BRING your musical instrument (especially drums or clapsticks), your Voice and your Good Intentions!

Door charge: $18 = waged; $5 = unwaged/concession;
Gold Coin = child;
Offer to Volunteer = Free Entry!
Donation Box Available

Info/Bookings: Please respond with your queries and RSVP to as soon as possible,
Thank you, Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sukkot Sameyach

Catalyst Enterprises (CAEN)