GEIFN | CONSOLIDATED | Information for Individuals, Household and Religious Community Leaders on Coronavirus (COVID-19) | Wednesday 17 June 2020

[Edited and collated from public addresses]


  1. Victorian State of Emergency Update
  2. Victorian Step 2 Easing
  3. Victorian Prayer Groups, Weddings, Funerals and Other Religious Activities
  4. VMC and Tackling Ignorance that Causes Racism
  5. COVID-19 Easy Read English fact sheets
  6. Multilingual campaign materials
  7. Health Translations newsletter — June
  8. Victorian Multicultural Media Grants Program
  9. Glen Eira City Council Employee Assist Program (EAP)
  10. Acknowledgment to Sources
  11. Self-Isolators, Non-Essentials And The Homebound

1. Victorian State of Emergency Update

Staggered restrictions lifted from 22 June 2020

Premier Daniel Andrews announced on 14 June 2020 our state’s continued measured approach to gradual easing of restrictions.

As always, timing on any future changes remains subject to the advice of our Chief Health Officer. 

Because as far as we’ve come – it’s not over yet.   
And for every small step we take, our own personal responsibility grows.

It’s why we’re asking Victorians: keep washing your hands. Keep maintaining your distance. Download COVIDSafe Ap.

And if you can keep working from home – you must do that too.
Read the full announcement from Premier Daniel Andrews here.

Supplementary: Prime Minister's National Cabinet full statement 12 June 2020, click here.

2. Victorian Step 2 Easing

Staggered restrictions lifted from 22 June 2020

Announced by the Premier 14 June 2020, further revisions will come into effect from 22 June:

  • libraries, community centres and halls will be able to open to 50 people. Religious ceremonies can also increase to 50.
  • pubs and clubs will be able to host up to 50 seated patrons, with no requirement to purchase a meal with your drink, however you’ll need to give your contact details and table service restrictions will still apply. Standalone TABs will also be able to reopen in line with rules on retail businesses while TABs in pubs will need to observe density and patron limits that apply to those venues.
  • Recognising the lower rate of transmission amongst younger people, all sports training and competition will resume for those 18 and under. Non-contact sports competition can also begin across every age group.
  • Indoor sports centres and physical recreation spaces like gyms will be able to open to 20 people per space, with a cap of up to 10 per group for those over the age of 18.
  • The same will apply to holiday accommodation and camping sites, with communal spaces like showers and kitchens soon to be available to visitors.
  • In line with our previously proposed changes, restaurants and cafes will also be able to increase the number of patrons to 50. Cinemas, concert venues, theatres and auditoriums can open, also with up to 50 people per space.
  • The same increased limit will apply to our galleries, museums and amusement parks.
  • ski season and ski accommodation will also open.
  • From 13 July, local footy teams, soccer clubs and other contact sports will be able to resume training for over 18s. And from 20 July, full competition can begin too. Supporting this gradual return to sport, clubs and community facilities will also be able to reopen their changerooms.
  • From 20 July, electronic gaming areas at pubs, clubs and the casino will be reopened with strict distancing, cleaning and hygiene requirements.

3. Victorian Prayer Groups, Weddings, Funerals and Other Religious Activities

Prayer Groups
Currently, if the prayer group is held at a place of worship or another public place, up to 20 people can attend. A prayer group held in someone’s home can meet as long as there are no more than 20 people, including the normal residents of the household.
From 22 June, the limit of 20 people for prayer groups will remain.
Attendees need to maintain a physical distance of at least 1.5 metres between self and other people.
Held at a Place of Worship: Up to 20 people, in addition to the celebrant and couple being married can attend a wedding.
Held in a home: the restrictions on private gatherings apply. This means up to 20 people, including the couple, are allowed. The celebrant, who is required for the service, is not included in the limit.
Weddings and other events with groups of more than 20 are not allowed. (Weddings have a high risk of transmission due to the nature of the celebration.)

Up to 50 people can attend a funeral, in addition to the person leading the funeral and other funeral staff. 
Wakes are a separate event to funerals. The gathering limits apply based on the venue in which the wake is held. Currently, this means if a wake is held at a restaurant or community hall, up to 20 people may attend. If a wake is held in a home, up to 20 people - including the members of the residence - may attend.

Other Activities at Religious Places of Worship
Places of worship may host essential community services, including leasing church halls or other spaces for community support groups. Physical distancing requirements are the responsibility of the group or organisation leasing the space.
To read the Department of Health and Human Services guidance click here.

4. VMC and Tackling Ignorance that Causes Racism

Victorian Multicultural Commission has committed to playing a leading role in tackling racism in Victoria and mobilising multicultural communities to join us. Meaningful change will only happen when people of all backgrounds come together in solidarity and become actively anti-racist.
Read VMC statement

5. COVID-19 Easy Read English fact sheets

The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services have created Easy English coronavirus (COVID-19) factsheets, written in simple, everyday language, supported with images. Topics include looking after your mental health, family violence support and emergency relief packages.
Download the fact sheets

6. Multilingual campaign materials

Restrictions have been eased, but limiting our movement everyday means we slow the spread of the virus. A range of translated materials are available promoting this message, including posters, social media content and audio recordings to help you share this campaign with your networks.
Download the stakeholder pack

7. Health Translations newsletter — June

The Health Translations June newsletter includes multilingual resources on early childhood intervention, volunteering, working with interpreters by phone in a family violence setting, business support, testing for COVID-19 in Victoria, telehealth, home care during COVID-19, industry code for visiting residential aged care homes during COVID-19, diabetes and more.
Read the newsletter

8. Victorian Multicultural Media Grants Program

The 2020 Multicultural Media Grants Program provides $500,000 through grants to enable multicultural and multilingual media outlets operating in Victoria to purchase or upgrade their equipment. Applications are open now and close 5 July 2020. 
Find out more and apply

9. Glen Eira City Council Employee Assist Program (EAP)

Available for all Glen Eira Traders as part of Council’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Plan. This EAP initiative is a free, professional and confidential, self-referral counselling service and available only to Glen Eira businesses. Providing professional short-term assistance for any personal or work-related problem.

Converge International is an independent, external provider who specialises in counselling and Employee Assistance Programs and the program provides two sessions in total, of either the Employee Assist or Money Assist streams to any businesses registered and operating in Glen Eira (you must provide proof of business registration and location).

At all times privacy will be assured. All information remains with the counsellor and will not be provided to Council or a third party.

The sessions can be accessed by calling 1300 687 327 and making an appointment under Glen Eira Businesses, or you can access by downloading the EAP Connect app from the app store.

CALL 1300 687 327 ​
Visit website for more information

10. Acknowledgment to Sources

This is a consolidated account of information current at time of issuance, sourced, collated and provided by Victorian Jewish Community COVID-19 Taskforce, Buddhist Council of Victoria, various Government Authorities, community organisations and public domain, received with gratitude.

Best wishes for skilful collaborations, less Suffering, causes for less Suffering, Good Health and Time to Enjoy it.

Bye bye to Essentialists for now, please leave to attend to the essential work. That is all from GEIFN's caretaker at this time.

11. Self-Isolators, Non-Essentials And The Homebound

Let us cheer on the global scientists, medical fraternity and authorities racing across the clock separately and together in new found ways, to find a cure, manage the situation, and if not, create mass-producable innoculation.

Meanwhile, if with a surplus of time, this is offered. Discuss with sincerity. Deny untruth. Dismiss unuseful. Accept useful. Adapt to change. Adopt least effort most benefit. Adept with sharing. Enjoy throughout. As each case may be. Round. And again. Or not.