VMC | UPDATING | Community on awards for excellence nominations, grants and commissions, virtual events and more | Friday 4 September 2020

[Edited extract from public address]

Happy Father's Day for this weekend to all the fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers and father figures in our lives.

Message from the Chairperson

Sunday 6/9, Premier Daniel Andrews will outline the Victorian Government's roadmap to reopening the state. What we know so far is that this will be a long-term plan and reopening will take place over months, not weeks.

This week, we were pleased to host a meeting between the Hon. James Merlino MP and the Hon. Ros Spence MP with the Multifaith Advisory Group and other faith leaders to discuss how restrictions will ease in places of worship.

Together with the other members of the CALD Communities Taskforce, I look forward to continuing to  support the Government to ensure that the roadmap is well understood by all Victorians and we do not have to reinstate restrictions once they are lifted.

Nominations are now open for this year’s Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence. I encourage you to start reflecting on the people in your life who are working to strengthen our multicultural state.

Our Racism: Understanding your rights and taking action information sessions have commenced and we’ve had great feedback so far. There are limited places left in the remaining sessions.

We're pleased to share some upcoming virtual events that are keeping communities connected and engaged during the lockdown, including  Communities Council on Ethnic Issues (CCOEI) virtual music concerts, ABC Melbourne and Victorian Council of Social Services’ Victorian Voices livestream series, and the multifaith UN Peace Day event.

We’re also sharing opportunities for creative multicultural Victorians, with information on the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Multicultural Festivals and Events grants, Multicultural Arts Victoria’s Shelter 2 commissions program and the SBS Emerging Writer’s Competition.

Finally, a reminder to continue to share the Victorian Government new community ambassador videos on Stage 4 restrictions and face coverings with your networks.

Stay well and look out for each other,
Viv Nguyen, Chairperson

Racism information sessions

Know your rights around racism. Limited places are left for the remaining VMC and VEOHRC information sessions. Designed to educate and empower multicultural and multifaith communities in Victoria, covering how to recognise and report racism, and where to seek advice and support. 

Nominate a diversity hero today | Nominations close Sunday 11 October 2020

Do you know someone who deserves to be recognised for their outstanding efforts to strengthen multiculturalism in Victoria? Nominate them for an award! The Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence recognise the outstanding achievements of people and organisations who strengthen multiculturalism across 15 categories.

MAV Shelter Commissions Program

Multicultural Arts Victoria is inviting expressions of interest for Shelter 2, a commissions program developed to respond to the unique challenges presented by coronavirus (COVID-19) for culturally diverse artists and communities. The second edition is open to culturally and linguistically diverse artists who live in or who were staying in any of 9 public housing estates in Flemington, Kensington and North Melbourne during the July lockdown.

Victorian Voices: COVID-19 livestream

“We're all in this together" yet every community is unique, with different needs and ways of connecting. ABC Melbourne is partnering with the Victorian Council of Social Service to deliver a series of online events to discuss critical COVID-19 public health and legal information. There will be a focus on working with communities and language groups that might not ordinarily engage with the mainstream media.

Health Translations | September 

Health Translations is a free website with access to high quality consumer focused translated materials, including on coronavirus (COVID-19). It brings together translated resources produced by Government & community agencies. The Health Translations September newsletter includes multilingual resources on women’s health, latest coronavirus (COVID-19) information, emergency calls, tax help, family violence, oral health and more. 

CCOEI Virtual Music Concerts

Communities Council on Ethnic Issues (CCOEI) are running a series of free, online Multicultural Community Concerts to help keep communities connected and engaged. The series starts this Sunday 6 September and will include a special performance by Ade Ishs. Tune in via their Facebook page to enjoy a variety of musical and dance acts from different cultural and community groups.

UN Peace Day: Shaping Peace Together

Victorian leaders from faith and non-faith backgrounds are coming together in unity on 21 September 2020 for a virtual UN Peace Day event.  Accompanied by gentle guided commentary and music, each leader will light a candle for peace and hold a meditative space. All are welcome to join this event, so relevant to these times, celebrating and reinforcing compassion, courage and hope within the community.

SBS Emerging Writers' Competition

Do you have a story to tell about growing up in diverse Australia? The SBS Emerging Writers’ Competition is a chance for budding writers to share their unique story on the theme ‘growing up in diverse Australia’. Writers have the opportunity to share their unique story and be in the running to win up to $5,000. Entries close 15 September.

Community Ambassador videos

The Victorian Government has shared new community ambassador videos, delivered by community leaders in their own language. In the videos, they share what the current coronavirus restrictions are, why they are so important, and instructions on wearing a face covering. By sharing these messages, you are helping your network stay safe and informed about coronavirus (COVID-19).

Grants — Multicultural Festivals and Events | Applications close midnight, 13 September 2020

Does your organisation hold cultural or religious festivals and events for multicultural or multifaith communities? Apply now for a Multicultural Festivals and Events 2020-21 grant and receive funding of up to $50,000 to hold a digital cultural or religious festival/event for your community or increase your organisation’s digital capability. 

Coronavirus hotline

  • Coronavirus hotline: If you are concerned, call the coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398 (24 Hours).
  • Interpreting service: If you need an interpreter, call TIS National on 131 450.
  • Testing locations: Find a testing location near you.
  • Triple Zero: Please keep Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only.


Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC)
Address: Level 3, 1 Macarthur Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: (03) 9651 5901