[Edited and compiled from public addresses]
- VIC | State of Emergency Update
- VIC | Coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap to reopening
- VIC | Community Activation and Social Isolation Initiative (CASI) Translated Fact Sheets
- VIC | VMC | Regional Roundtables COVID-19 | until Tuesday 27 October 2020
- VIC | VEC | OFFERING | Free online voter education sessions in 8 Different Languages | until Friday 16 October 2020
- VIC | GRANTS | Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund | Open, closing 16 October 2020
- VIC | GRANTS | Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund – Translated Materials
- VIC | GRANTS | Hospitality Business Grant Program
- VIC | GRANTS | Supporting Connection Among LGBTIQ Victorians | Open, until 23 October 2020
- VIC | HIRING | New positions available: bicultural workers
- VIC | REGISTERING | Practitioners for Multicultural mental health service directory
- VIC | VMC | The Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence | Nominations close Sunday 18 October 2020
- AUST | Mental health support during COVID-19
- AUST | Coronavirus hotline
- AUST | Guides, Helpers and Reliable Sources Along the Way
- Acknowledgment to Sources
- Bye bye to Essentialists
- Self-Isolators, Non-Essentials And The Homebound
1. VIC | State of Emergency Update
Metropolitan Melbourne is in Roadmap Second Step.
No longer any nightly curfew. There will be higher on the spot fines for breaching rules about visitors to your home and outdoor gatherings.
There are still only 4 reasons to leave your home:
- shopping for food and essential items
- exercise and outdoor activity
- permitted work and study,
- and caregiving.
Health, Hospitals and Care Facilities- Non-urgent dental services can resume
- Most health practitioners and allied health professionals can provide some face-to-face services.
- Visitors allowed at care facilities and hospitals for up to two hours each day
- Childcare is open to all children.
- All primary school students, VCE and VCAL students (including Year 10 students in VCE) and specialist school students will return to their schools for learning from October 12.
- In-home child minding will be allowed for all children
- Religious gatherings and ceremonies can take place outdoors with 5 people and 1 faith leader next to a place of worship.
- Weddings can take place outdoor with a maximum of 5 attendees including the couple and two witnesses. The celebrant is not included in the group of 5.
- A person may now attend the resting place (a cemetery or columbarium) of a deceased relative for remembering a key milestone (e.g birthday, death anniversary etc). The 5km rule does not apply, but you must stay within metropolitan Melbourne. Gathering limits of 5 people from 2 households apply.
- Public gatherings of up to 5 people from a maximum of 2 households can meet outdoors for social interaction, exercise or recreation (infants under 12 months of age are not included in the cap) for a maximum of 2 hours within 5 km of their home.
- Work from home unless you are in a permitted industry: more workplaces to be permitted in following stages as per separate 'industry road maps'
- Only essential retail businesses will be open while others will be restricted to click and collect (no change)
- Hospitality businesses will be open only for take-away and delivery (no change);
- Families and households are able to shop together, but only once a day.
- Real estate inspections are allowed at a residential property or display home with one agent and one prospective purchaser plus one person from an existing household or intimate partner.
- Outdoor pools reopen, personal training for up to two people per trainer
- You will now be required to wear a face mask whenever you leave home, covering your nose and mouth. Face coverings such as a scarf, bandana or face shield are no longer permitted.
Timing of next step?
The Victorian Government announced restrictions are dependent on prevailing conditions with movement between steps spaced at least 3 weeks apart. These steps are already in place across regional Victoria.
Read more details on what is allowed under the current restrictions
Read the full 27/9 Statement from Premier Daniel Andrews
2. VIC | Coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap to reopening
Currently in affect- Metropolitan Melbourne restrictions roadmap
- Regional Victoria restrictions roadmap
- Read full detais of Mapping Regional Victoria's pathway to 'COVID Normal' for work, education and living.
As cases numbers are going down there’s still work to do. As we begin to ease restrictions, it’s important that everyone knows the rules, and how to keep themselves and their community safe.
In this pack, you’ll find in-language materials that explain what’s going on in simple, day-to-day language. You’ll hear conversations between families about what a ‘social bubble’ is, and a chat between co-workers to understand the payments available for people who are isolating and can’t work.
Download and share now
Translated materials: current restrictions
With the steps to reopening taking place in a staggered approach, it is important that everyone checks in regularly with official information for all of the details affecting Victorians. It's important that everyone practices COVIDsafe behaviours and follows the rules. The Victorian Government has launched a new campaign in 55 community languages reminding people that restrictions will be in place for some time.
Download and share now
Badges for Victorians who are unable to wear face masks
Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have created badges that individuals can download on smartphones or print to keep in a wallet or lanyard holder for when they need to let others know they are unable to wear a face mask for a valid reason. It is a person’s choice to use the badges. There are two types of badges people can choose and download from the DHHS website.
Smart phone badge
For anyone who is exempt and has a valid reason for not wearing a face mask.
- I am exempt from wearing a face covering for valid reasons - blue badge
- I am exempt from wearing a face covering for valid reasons - white badge
For persons who are Deaf or hard of hearing who need the person they are communicating with to remove their face mask.
- Please remove your face covering so we can understand each other better -blue badge
- Please remove your face covering so we can understand each other better - white badge
Print-ready badge
- I am exempt from wearing a face covering for a valid reason
- Please remove your face covering so we can understand each other better
Translated resources on coronavirus available in 57 languages here.
3. VIC | Community Activation and Social Isolation Initiative (CASI) Translated Fact Sheets
The Victorian Government’s new Community Activation and Social Isolation (CASI) initiative is intended to help people who might be feeling lonely or have lost their regular networks during coronavirus (COVID-19) to build social connections and networks of support in their local communities. Factsheets on the service are available in Chinese Simple / Mandarin, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, Arabic, Punjabi, Hindi, Sinhalese, Spanish, Turkish, Fasi, Somali, Chin Hakha, Karen, Dinka, Oromo, Tigrinya, Malay, Nepalese and Urdu.Download the fact sheets
4. VIC | VMC | Regional Roundtables COVID-19 | until Tuesday 27 October 2020
The Victorian Multicultural Commission invites you to join an online community roundtable with representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services. The meetings will be an opportunity to discuss the challenges of responding to coronavirus (COVID-19), the importance of testing and the recently announced road map for reopening.Sessions will be held after the Victorian Multicultural Commission Regional Advisory Council meetings. Registration is essential. Click on the region name below to register online through EventBrite.
- Barwon South West | Thursday 8 October 2020 | 6.45pm-8pm
- Gippsland | Tuesday 13 October 2020 | 6.45pm-8pm
- Grampians | Wednesday 14 October 2020 | 6.45pm-8pm
- Loddon Mallee | Thursday 15 October 2020 | 6.45pm-8pm
- Hume | Tuesday 20 October 2020 | 6.45pm-8pm
- Eastern Metropolitan | Wednesday 21 October 2020 | 6.45pm-8pm
- North West Metropolitan 1 | Thursday 22 October 2020 | 6.45pm-8pm
- North West Metropolitan 2 | Tuesday 27 October 2020 | 6.45pm-8pm
5. VIC | VEC | OFFERING | Free online voter education information in Different Languages
This October, Victoria has Local Council elections. Supporting our culturally diverse communities, the Victorian Electoral Commission offers:Free online voter education sessions
- Korean ( 한국어) | Monday 12 October 2020 | 10.30-11.30am
- Mandarin (官话) | Tuesday 13 October 2020 | 10.30-11.30 am
- Amharic (አማርኛ) | Tuesday 13 October 2020 | 2.00-3.00 pm
- Dari (دری) | Wednesday 14 October 2020 | 10.30-11.30 am
- Arabic (عربى) | Wednesday 14 October 2020 | 2-3pm
- Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) | Thursday 15 October 2020 | 2-3pm
- Italian (Italiano) | Thursday 15 October 2020 | 3-4pm
- Greek (ελληνικά) | Friday 16 October 2020 | 10.30-11.30am
Cost: Free
‘How to vote in-language’ videos
Melbourne City Council – Facebook links All other councils – Facebook links VEC YouTube ChannelVideos on VEC website
Important date
Completed ballot paper must be returned by 6pm, Friday 23 October 2020.
If you want more information, please contact Asvin.Phorugngam@vec.vic.gov.au on 8620 1185.
Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC)
Address: 530 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria
Email: info@vec.vic.gov.au
Website: https://www.vec.vic.gov.au
6. VIC | GRANTS | Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund | Open, closing 16 October 2020
The Victorian Government is offering grants for small private landlords who may not have the capacity to provide rent reductions to their tenants under the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme. Up to $3,000 per tenancy to eligible small private, individual and joint-owner landlords facing financial hardship after reducing rent for their tenants under CTRS requirements, from 21 August 2020 for eight weeks or until funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.Find out more and apply
7. VIC | GRANTS | Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund – Translated Materials
Information about the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund is now available in Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi, Somali and Vietnamese. Please share this information widely and direct people to the Business Victoria website for more information about grants and assistance for businesses.Download the stakeholder pack
8. VIC | GRANTS | Hospitality Business Grant Program
This Business Victoria program supports food service businesses that have been affected by the return to Stage 3 and Stage 4 ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victoria. Eligible businesses will be provided with one-off, $25,000 grants to pay for business costs to support the continued operation of their business. An additional $5,000 is available for each additional premises, capped at a total of $20,000.Find out more and apply
9. VIC | GRANTS | Supporting Connection Among LGBTIQ Victorians | Open, closing 23 October 2020
Virtual events and projects that help LGBTIQ Victorians connect to each other and experience pride and belonging are set to be held across the state, with support from the Victorian Government.Minister for Equality Martin Foley today launched the new round of the Pride Events and Festivals Fund. Organisations are invited to apply for grants of up to $10,000 for events and projects for LGBTIQ communities which can be run online before 30 June 2021. Total funding of $200,000 is available.
This change will make it easier for LGBTIQ Victorians living in rural and regional areas to access a broad range of diverse events. At least half of the grants will be awarded to organisations based in regional and rural areas, which will be delivering events to local LGBTIQ communities.
Reflecting Victorian Government's commitment to inclusion, all event organisers will be required to ensure their event provides meaningful access for people living with a disability.
Organisations can apply for grants until 23 October 2020, with application information available at vic.gov.au/pride-events-and-festivals-fund
10. VIC | HIRING | New positions available: bicultural workers
The Department of Health and Human Services is recruiting through a consortium of community health providers, for a number of bicultural positions across Melbourne. These roles are critical to supporting culturally and linguistically diverse communities with more culturally-safe, accurate health information and access to coronavirus (COVID-19) testing.Find out more and apply
11. VIC | REGISTERING | Practitioners for Multicultural mental health service directory
HeartChat is a new accessible and secure online platform connecting multicultural Victorians with private one-on-one mental health sessions from mental health practitioners who speak their language and understand their culture. The website is now accepting registrations from practitioners.Find out more and register
12. VIC | VMC | The Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence | Nominate a diversity hero | Nominations close Sunday 18 October 2020
Do you know someone who deserves to be recognised for their outstanding efforts to strengthen multiculturalism in Victoria? Nominate them for an award! The Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence recognise the outstanding achievements of people and organisations who strengthen multiculturalism across 15 categories.Find out more and nominate
13. AUST | Mental health support during COVID-19
The Australian Government Department of Health has published a list of digital and telephone supports for mental health during COVID-19. The English version is attached. Translations will be published online shortly.Download the English version
14. AUST | Coronavirus hotline
- Coronavirus hotline: If you are concerned, call the coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398 (24 Hours).
- If you are an NDIS participant you can also call the national hotline on 1800 020 080.
- Information and referrals for people with disability and their supporters about Coronavirus: Contact the Disability Information Helpline on 1800 634 787.
- If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can also call the National Relay Service on 133 677.
- Interpreting service: If you need an interpreter, call TIS National on 131 450.
- Testing locations: Find a testing location near you.
- Call-to-Test-at-Home service, providing in-home coronavirus testing to Victorians who would otherwise be unable to get tested, call the DHHS Coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.
- Triple Zero: Please keep Triple Zero (000) for emergencies only.
15. AUST | Guides, Helpers and Reliable Sources Along the Way
- Access Easy English – Over 70 resources developed on coronavirus.
- AUSLAN – Updates by Expression Australia - Regular Auslan only videos on updates of breaking news in Victoria, Australia and abroad.
- Australian Government Department of Health – Coronavirus advice for people with disability
- Australian Government Department of Social Services – Daily update on NDIS participants and workforce and easy English information on COVID-19.
- Beyond Blue – translated information on managing your mental health during COVID-19 in 63 languages.
- Blind Citizens Australia – Information on coronavirus for people who are blind or vision impaired.
- Council for Intellectual Disability (CID) – Easy English information for people with intellectual disability and videos about COVID-19.
- DHHS – Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services advice and information on coronavirus available in 56 languages
- Ethnolink Language Services – Multi-lingual resource library with information available on coronavirus in 71 languages.
- GP Expert Advice Matters – a website for patients translated into Arabic, simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Hindi and Vietnamese, and has practical information on how to access a local GP, telehealth and interpreter services
- Health Translations – A comprehensive place to find current COVID 19 multilingual information in 78 languages including Auslan and Easy English.
- MyAus Covid-19 app – Multilingual resource application produced by Migration Council Australia (MCA) for Australia's culturally and linguistically diverse communities about COVID - 19, it's impact and available support.
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) – Information about changes to how the NDIS work during the COVID -19 pandemic in 12 languages.
- NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission – Information contains links to updates, training, alerts, and resources for NDIS participants and providers.
- Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) – supporting ethno-specific organisations in Victoria and The Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line (OPCSL)
- Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre – Victoria’s statewide first response service for women, young people and children experiencing family violence.
- SBS – news and information about coronavirus (COVID - 19) available in 63 languages.
- Scope – Key word sign video, posters and easy english resources on communicating COVID-19.
- Women’s Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE) – free generalist information, support and referral service for women, non-binary and gender-diverse people
16. Acknowledgment to Sources
This is a consolidated account of information current at time of issuance, sourced, collated and provided by Victorian Jewish Community COVID-19 Taskforce, Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria, Buddhist Council of Victoria, various Government Authorities, community organisations and public domain, received with gratitude.
Best wishes for skilful collaborations, less Suffering, causes for less Suffering, Good Health and Time to Enjoy it.
17. Bye bye to Essentialists
Thankyou for responding to the crisis as best you can to keep us ticking along and keeping us safe, received with gratitude. Us non-essentialists will endeavour to manage our expection of miracles and do our best to follow rules and stay out of the way. Contact your closest friendly non-essentialist if you need anything that can be done remotely. Bye bye to Essentialists for now, please leave to attend to the essential work. That is all from Carey at this time.
18. Self-Isolators, Non-Essentials and the Homebound
Let us cheer on the global scientists, medical fraternity, authorities and essentialists racing across the clock separately and together in new found ways, to find a cure, manage the situation, and if not, create mass-producable innoculation.
Meanwhile, if with a surplus of time, this is offered. Discuss with sincerity. Deny untruth. Dismiss unuseful. Accept useful. Adapt to change. Adopt least effort most benefit. Adept with sharing. Enjoy throughout. As each case may be. Round. And again. Or not.