BOITE | PERFORMING | The Fig Tree Replanted | Sunday 21 February 2021 | 2.30pm and 6.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

A live concert featuring a dozen world-class Australian performers from Greek, Jewish, Italian and other backgrounds.

The Fig Tree Replanted is a reinterpretation of The Fig Tree, one of The Boite’s most successful artistic productions in its 40-year history. It was based on the book of short stories by beloved Melbourne author Arnold Zable, who tells tales of migration, displacement and belonging.
“We are a nation of Indigenous peoples and immigrants, a new world with an ancient past, a land of many melodies” Arnold Zable.
Where: Hellenic Museum 280 William Street, Melbourne twice and live streamed once on Sunday 21 February 2021.

  • MatinĂ©e: 2.30pm | Tickets $20
  • Gala: 6.30pm | Tickets $45/$35
  • Live Stream: 6.30pm | Tickets $15
Access: Wheelchair, Auslan and Closed Captions

Bookings: online through Trybooking

The Boite
Tel: 03 9417 3550

In collaboration with Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and the Hellenic Museum