VIC | VMC | UPDATING | Community, News and Information | Wednesday 18 September 2024

[Edited extract from public address]

I hope this message finds you well. I am saddened to see that incidents of racism and hate continue to impact individuals and communities across the state.

Recently, a man was charged after the alleged desecration of the Gutka Sahib outside the Canning Vale Gurudwara Sahib in Perth, WA. The Gutka Sahib, which contains sacred hymns and prayers, is revered and sacred to Sikhs worldwide. While the man is understood to have acted alone, the incident was filmed and shared to social media, causing significant distress to the Sikh community globally.

Now, more than ever, it is essential for all of us – across all faiths and communities – to stand united against hate crimes and acts of disrespect to any faith. The Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) calls on faith leaders and communities to speak out against such incidents, and to work together further to foster a culture of understanding and respect across Australia.

Our shared values of love, humanity and respect must guide us in these challenging times.

I also wish to highlight some positive community-led initiatives.

The Project Us Foundation, in partnership with the VMC, is organising a food drive on 18 October 2024 to provide fresh and nutritious food to those in need. This effort aims to alleviate hunger, enhance community well-being, and demonstrate how we can come together to support one another. If you'd like to get involved, please reach out to VMC.

Additionally, I am pleased to share that I will be speaking at the 4th National Women of Colour Leadership & Allyship Summit hosted by The Hatchery. This event will amplify the voices of inspiring women of colour – and showcase their respective leadership journeys as they navigate systemic barriers and biases, and defy stereotypes. These are vital conversations in the effort to celebrate the leadership and resilience of women of colour across communities.

We have just observed R U OK? Day, the day dedicated to checking-in on the mental health and well-being of our colleagues, friends and family. To that end, the VMC has recorded a video for our communities, encouraging open conversations and mutual support.
Thank you for your continued commitment to standing against hate – and for supporting one another, as we work towards a more inclusive and compassionate community.

Warm regards,
Viv Nguyen, Chairperson

 News and Events 

MELB | RMIT | GRANTING | Interpreter Scholarship Program

Applications are open for the 2025 RMIT Interpreter Scholarship Program, which has supported over 1,500 individuals in gaining NAATI certification. Scholarships cover program and student fees for:
  • Advanced Diploma: Arabic, Greek, Italian, Persian, Spanish, Vietnamese
  • Diploma: Burmese, Dari, Dinka, Punjabi, Portuguese, Samoan, S’gaw Karen, Somali, Russian, Urdu
  • Skill Set: Albanian, Bangla, Bislama, Chichewa, Gujarati, Hakha Chin, Hakka Chinese, Hazaragi, Hmong, Kayah (Karenni), Khmer, Kirundi, Kurdish Kurmanji, Lingala, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Nepali, Nuer, Pashto, Rohingya, Ukrainian, Sinhalese, Swahili
Bilingual individuals aiming to become professional interpreters are encouraged to apply by February 7, 2025. Scholarships are awarded on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

The courses are primarily online, with some in-person sessions in Melbourne. For more information, contact

LODDON CAMPASPE | LCMS | WEBINAR | Cross-cultural awareness online training - 2 Sessions | Monday 16 September 2024 | 10-10.30am | OR | Monday 7 October 2024 | 1-1.30pm

Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services (LCMS) is excited to offer its new industry-specific online training, 'Let's Talk'. 

This interactive workshop is designed to enhance cultural competence in the health sector, providing valuable insights and practical strategies for effective cross-cultural communication.

Participants will benefit from real-life experiences shared by expert trainers, engage in dynamic discussions, and have the opportunity to ask questions and contribute their own perspectives. Don’t miss this chance to advance your skills and deepen your understanding in a globalised world.

AUST | GOV | GRANTING | Boosts to creative events in regional Victoria | applications close Wednesday 23 October 2024

The Australian Government is giving regional communities the chance to present more shows, gigs and performances in their own town with new grants to put on events that will boost local economies. 

Applications are now open for the Small Regional Presenters program, with grants of up to $15,000 to help volunteers and local councils secure and present shows in 2025.

BENDIGO | ZINDA | Zinda Multicultural Festival | Saturday 12 October 2024 | 11am-6pm

Zinda is Bendigo’s largest annual celebration of cultural diversity, and it is lining up to be another full day of delicious authentic cuisines, traditional performances, interactive activities for the kids, dance workshops and more! 

AUST | POLARON | WEBINARS | Dissemination strategies for diverse communities

Polaron is hosting a series of interactive live sessions designed to enhance dissemination strategies for diverse communities. The upcoming session, "A Day in the Life of… Dissemination Strategies for Diverse Communities," will explore effective methods for communicating with multilingual and multicultural audiences in Australia.

These sessions will cover how to tailor messaging, utilise digital platforms, and understand the impact of social and cultural factors on information distribution. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with language services experts and join a live Q&A to refine their outreach approach.

VIC | TAC | ADVISING | Drink Driving campaign

Over the past five years, Transport Accident Commission (TAC) advises a yearly average of 21 per cent of driver and motorcycle rider fatalities had an illegal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level. This figure does not include other road users killed or seriously injured by drink drivers.

The safest way to know for sure that you are under 0.05 BAC is to completely separate drinking and driving. There are many factors that can impact BAC readings such as gender, age, weight, fatigue levels or tolerance to alcohol - no one can accurately judge their BAC, especially if they’ve had a few drinks.

The TAC’s Road Safety Monitor report states that 48% of Victorians are still open to considering driving after drinking two or more alcoholic drinks.

We want to remind Victorians that if they are planning to drink, don’t drive. Plan a safe way home instead.

VIC | GOV | OFFERING | Regional roadshow for festivals and events grant program

The Victorian Government is providing over $1 million in 2024-25 to support regional multicultural festivals and events through the Regional Multicultural Festivals and Events Fund, with no application cap.

Round Two opens in September 2024 for events from 1 January to 30 June 2025.
In-person information sessions to assist with applications will be held in:

MELB | EXFA | OFFERING | Fun events for all

Extended Families (EXFA) invites children and young adults with a disability from Melbourne’s Southeastern suburbs to join their vibrant social events.
With activities designed for all cultural backgrounds, their Family Day offers fun games and entertainment for the whole family, while the School Age Days provide engaging activities for primary and secondary school-aged children during the holidays.

Additionally, the Monthly Explorer Club is tailored for young adults aged 16-26, featuring inspiring activities that support learning and life skills.

MELB | VMC | RAISING | Project Us x VMC food drive | Friday 18-Saturday 19 October 2024 | 8am-5pm

The Project Us Foundation, in partnership with the VMC, is organising a food drive to provide fresh and nutritious food to those in need. This effort aims to alleviate hunger, enhance community well-being, and demonstrate how we can come together to support one another. 

Project Us Foundation is an Australian charity dedicated to providing fresh, culturally appropriate food to low-income and vulnerable communities.

Beyond food relief, the foundation focuses on empowering individuals through skill-building and community engagement, fostering long-term impact.
  • For more information and to participate please email

VIC | CDS | INVITING | Students to participate

Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) is inviting primary school students to contribute to the “Message in a Bottle” installation at Scienceworks. Since November 2023, the scheme has recycled over 700 million containers and returned more than $70 million to Victorians.

To celebrate the scheme’s first anniversary, students can submit messages about the importance of recycling through a digital portal until 4 October. Primary Students can do their messages in their own language, if they wish to. Selected messages will be featured in the interactive installation, which will educate visitors about recycling and the circular economy.

Parents are encouraged to have their children participate, and educators can access classroom resources via the link below.


Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC)
Address: Level 3, 3 Treasury Place, Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: (03) 9651 5901

The VMC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Victoria and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present.