JMSC | TALKING | Citizen Science and Forgotten Reefs | Wednesday 15 September 2021 | arrive 7.25pm for 7.30pm start

[Edited extract from public address]

Join this talk with Kade Mills, the Victorian National Parks Association (VNPA) Reefwatch Coordinator, about citizen science and its role in bringing back forgotten reefs.

Citizen scientists from around Port Phillip Bay designed and carried out monitoring to help discover where baby oysters and mussels (the building blocks of living reefs) live. Kade will discuss this project and other citizen science activities in the bay which you may have taken part in if you've ever participated in the Great Victorian Fish Count or the sea slug census.

Kade is a self-described Jack of all trades and master of none when it comes to marine science which means he can talk about anything you find in the sea and often does! He is also the VNPA's ReefWatch Coordinator, a presenter on RRR's Radio Marinara (102.7 RRR, 9:00 on Sunday mornings) and actively involved in the Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA) and the Australian Citizen Science Association.

He loves questions and audience participation so please come prepared with all the questions about citizen science and how you can get involved and what impact it has.

Where: Online through Zoom
Cost: Free
Bookings: Join Zoom Meeting


Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Care (JMSC)