This annual Fossil Expo features amazing fossils from the nearby Beaumaris foreshore, and for the first time we are privileged to present collections from Fossil Beach on the Mornington Peninsula and the Victorian Surf Coast.
Rare opportunity to learn from the experts - Highlights include:
- Private collections of national significance
- The display includes Australia’s only model of Pelagornis (a toothed bird with a wingspan of nearly 6 metres). This prehistoric bird is known to have inhabited Beaumaris about 5.5 million years ago!
- A collection of Fossil Turtle fragments, never before seen in public. There are less than a dozen fragments of turtle known to exist from Australia, representing the last 60 million years of Australian prehistory. Several will be donated to Museum Victoria at the end of this exhibition.
- “Rosie” the partial backbone of a 6 metre juvenile whale.
Presented by BESS (Bayside Earth Science Society Inc.) and MESAC
- Where: Beaumaris Secondary College Auditorium, 117-135 Reserve Road Beaumaris, (near the corner of Balcombe Road)
- Cost: $5 per head or $8 Family Ticket
- Full Program
REPORTING | Winter Solstice Walk and Talk 2023
A pleasant and informative morning was had by all at the recent Winter Solstice Walk with all attendees receiving a book and fossil. It was great to see participants coming from as far as Mornington and Templestowe.
PUBLISHING | Insects and Spiders - new MESAC book
MESAC is very pleased to let everyone know that we have now completed the 5th book in our Urban Sanctuary series.Our congratulations go to the authors, John Buckeridge, Grace Hakam and John Eichler, for their rare and valued contributions.
The book covers many of the beautiful insects and spiders to be found in the Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary, and provides another species benchmarking resource for the future.
The book has now been delivered to various state, national, (and some overseas libraries), and remaining stock is limited.
Copies may be obtained from the Beaumaris Bookshop, 24 South Concourse, Beaumaris, and sometime soon, via a free PDF download via our website.
Marine Education Science and Community (MESAC)
Address: P.O Box 7228, Beaumaris, VIC 3193 Australia