Explore the diversity of the Boroondara community by joining a tour. Transport is provided.
Where: Assembly/Departure/Return is Boroondara Council Offices, 8 Inglesby Road, CamberwellCost: free
Bookings: essential. Contact: Emma Tel: 03 9278 4938
Boroondara Interfaith Network
City of Boroondara – Community Planning and Development
8 Inglesby Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124
Emma Wilkinson, Social Inclusion Policy and Projects Officer
Tel: (03) 9278 4938
Email: Emma.Wilkinson@boroondara.vic.gov.au
Web: www.boroondara.vic.gov.au
National Relay Service (If you have a hearing/speech impairment) call 1300 555 727 or TTY/voice calls 133 677
To use a telephone interpreter call 131 450