AIS | DINNER TALK | Muslim and Catholic Maryam Meal | Thursday 8 December 2016 | 6-9pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Taking Mary the Mother of Jesus as our inspiration, the theme of the reflections for this evening will be "Overcoming Challenges faced by Women of Faith".

Catholics and Muslims in Melbourne are invited to come to know each other as friends as we honour and strengthen the relationship between the Australian Intercultural Society and the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Guest Speakers:
Arzu Yilmaz and Clara Geoghegan in conversation, moderated by Sr Cheryl Camp rsm

Where: Catholic Leadership Centre, Corner Victoria Parade and Hoddle Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002

Cost: $50 each ticket

Bookings: online through TryBooking (for credit card)
Book by Phone or email (for cheque or cash):
David Schütz Tel: 03 9926 5708; Email:
Bookings close: Tuesday 6 December

Australian Intercultural Society and the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne
David Schütz 
Tel: 03 9926 5708