PWR | ADDRESS | Hate has a history. And it extends into the present | Thursday 23 February 2017

[Edited extract from public address]

Hate has a religious history. And that religious history also extends into the present.

But hate has its challengers, too, both secular and sacred, both civic and religious, in the past and the present.

Recent and current political campaigns and political reigns have stoked the embers of hate, but some political leaders have also stirred the oracles of reconciliation and harmony.

All religious and spiritual communities, and individuals of faith and spirit, must now decide again, as the old hymn puts it, "which side are you on?"

Silence and inaction is not an option.

Thanks to what is most sacred for the communities of faith that historically have been the victims of hate for taking the lead in showing us all what it means to choose compassion, solidarity, and mutuality.

Thanks to the Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Indigenous, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Pagan and all of our sister communities rising in love for showing us the way, not just with words but even more importantly with actions.

See below some of the reports of those words and actions.

The Parliament of the World's Religions hopes these examples will provoke you to speak your own words and enact your own commitments in this time of heightened hate.

And we at the Parliament ask that you forward to us other examples in your own communities so that we, in turn, can share them with the world. Please send these incidents of love and compassion, justice and peace to

We Amplify the Thousands of People Joining Their Prayers, Bodies, Dollars, Words and Actions Across Communities to Unite Faiths Against Hate

With Hope,
Larry Greenfield & Rob Sellers
Executive Director and Board Chair of the Parliament of the World’s Religions


Parliament of the World's Religions
70 East Lake Street, Suite 205, Chicago IL 60601