KIN | TALK | Coming together as Young People of Faith working towards Tolerance and Unity | Thursday 26 July 2018 | 7-9pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Interfaith dialogue has become essential in order to help more people discover, celebrate and promote the reality of pluralism in our community. 

It is important that people respect and have appreciation for other’s faith traditions. Promoting interfaith dialogue among young Kingston Committee hopes to build relationships, identify commonly-held beliefs and enhance the participants’ own faith experience.

Kingston Council supports meaningful interfaith dialogue, while recognizing the integrity of our individual faiths. Kingston Interfaith Network Committee has been established by Council to provide a conduit between Kingston Council and the Faith communities within local areas to encourage open communication, interfaith dialogue and partnerships to address the needs of the local communities.

This event will be facilitated by Committee members who will organize the presentation of the panel, introduce panellists, help with time management, and facilitate an effective discussion of the topic with members of the audience. Panellists from the following faiths: Islam, Judaism, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Catholic and Hare Krishna.

Where: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 2 Barbara St, Moorabbin VIC 3189

Inclusions: Refreshments will be provided. All are welcome.

Cost: Free

Bookings: RSVP: Friday 20 July 2018 to Elisabetta Robecchi, tel: 03 9581 4783, Email:

Kingston Interfaith Network
Kingston Council
Elisabetta Robecchi
Tel: 03 9581 4783