KIN | TOUR | Places of Worship | Saturday 18 August 2018 | 1.30-4.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Learn about other faiths. Discuss beliefs and traditions. Appreciate the diverse faiths that make up our community. Through knowledge, understanding and respect, we can strengthen and build on the rich heritage everyone brings to our community.

Bus departs 1.30pm sharp from: Temple Society Australia, 51 Elizabeth Street, Bayswater Vic 3153 (inside the white building - chapel - nearest the road).

The Place of Worship that will be visited are:
  • Pure Land Learning Center
  • Szent István Ecumenical Church
Cost: $5 per person | Includes tour, transportation and afternoon tea

Further information and Bookings: 03 9557 6713 | E: | Limited Seats | Book Now

Knox Interfaith Network
Tel: 03 9557 6713