PPMN | ADDRESSING | Climate Change, Dear Prime Minister | 19 September 2019

[Edited extract from public address]

Port Phillip Multifaith Network has issued a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia expressing its concerns over Climate Change. 

Concurrently, on Wednesday 18 September evening, City of Port Phillip declared a Climate Emergency.

Supporting this stance, the letter includes:
“We also stand united in supporting City of Port Phillip declaring a Climate Emergency on 18th of September 2019. Worldwide, 960 governments from jurisdictions spanning 18 countries have declared a Climate Emergency, accounting for over 212 million citizens”.
PPMN offers sincerest thanks to Coralie Ling who represented the Port Phillip Multifaith Network/Older Persons Consultative Committee at the City of Port Phillip Council meeting speaking with 15 other community members.

Click to read letter (2pp PDF)

Port Phillip Multifaith Network
City of Port Phillip
Postal: Private Bag 3, St Kilda, VIC 3182
Ewa Zysk, Diversity Officer | Diversity & Inclusion
Tel: 9209 6694; Mobile: 0403 880 290