ICM | GATHERING | The Eternal Flame: The Battle of Life – Finding Peace | Sunday 25 April 2021 | 5-6pm

[Edited extract from public address]

An Anzac Day Interspiritual Gathering.

With Rev Helen Summers, The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne and Murshida Nuria Daly, The International Sufi Movement in Australia.
With beautiful music by Cath Connelly, Celtic Harpist

Where: St Oswald's Chapel, 100 High Street, Glen Iris Victoria
Bookings: register your attendance due to COVID Safety regulations:

St Oswald's COVID Checklist March 2021
  • Do not attend if any Flu like symptoms. Do not attend if you have been ordered to take a Covid‐19 test or are awaiting the results of a Covid‐19 test.
  • Check into St Oswald’s using the QR Code poster when you arrive.
  • Use the Hand Sanitiser before and after the Gathering
  • You must carry a mask but it is no longer mandatory to wear it indoors. The Diocese continues to recommend that masks are worn for singing, when the space is poorly ventilated and when social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Spread yourselves out when you take your seat. If possible keep 1.5 meters from other attendees.
  • Singing is permitted (mask recommended).
The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne (ICM)
Address: PO Box 18335, Collins Street East, Melbourne Vic 8003 Australia