THF | Strong Spirit • Strong Culture • Strong People

[Edited extract from public address]

Helping Indigenous people to heal by connecting back to culture, philosophy and spirit.

The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation with a focus on building culturally strong, community led healing solutions. Supporting organisations around the country to design and deliver healing programs that work for their communities.

Together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities:
-- work with members of the Stolen Generations to create their own healing responses
-- support children and young people and their families to improve their social and emotional wellbeing
-- build leadership and capacity of communities and workers to respond to trauma through education and training
-- develop evidence base for best practice Indigenous healing, and
-- share our knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing with communities, government and non-government organisations around Australia

Governed by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander board, with strong connections to the community and a dynamic mix of experience.

The Foundation's main office is in Canberra, with staff members working around the country.

Want to find out more? Download our Strategic Plan or read up on healing history.

Have a surplus and wish to Donate?

The Healing Foundation
Tel: (02) 6272 7500
Mail: PO Box 4363, Kingston ACT 2604