DCN | WORKSHOP | Dance of the Vajra for the Benefit of Beings | Friday 8-Sunday 10 June 2018

[Edited extract from public address]

Meditation in Movement, a contemplative dance course with Rosemary Friend

Through practicing Vajra Dance, participants activate and coordinate specific energy points in their body according to an ancient knowledge of channels and chakras. In this way, the Vajra Dance dissolves energy blocks, harmonises the three main aspects of our being - body, energy and mind, developing presence and awareness.

Friday 8 June | 6-9pm
Where: Unitarian Church Hall, 110 Grey Street, East Melbourne Vic

Saturday 9-Sunday 10 June | 10am-12.30pm, 1.30-4pm
Where: Fleming Park Hall, 104 Victoria Street, East Brunswick

Considerations: Newcomers advised to attend all sessions. Nobody will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Cost: Suggestion donation: $100/$80/$60 Full/Member/Conc.

Bookings: Gary Email:; Yvonne

Dzogchen Community of Namgyalgar
Post: PO Box 307, Glasshouse Mountains, QLD 4518, Australia
Websites: http://vajradance.net