An Update by the Victorian Jewish Community Taskforce
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment
The Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is available to Victorians for those who have exhausted their sick leave. Call 180 22 66 or visit website: work or childcare Permits
Need to download a permit?Download the official work-permit form.
Download the official childcare permit form.
Working Together To Re-Open Victoria – Safely
The Victorian Government will release its reopening roadmap this Sunday, 6 September.Ahead of this release, the Government will commence an intensive, and extensive, round of discussions with industry, unions and community organisations to inform the final development of Victoria’s roadmap to ‘COVID Normal’.

This consultation will be based around the six principles pictured above for industry on a COVIDSafe re-opening, based on the best advice from public health experts – and imperative to keeping Victorians community safe.
Read 31/8 Premier's full statement
Coronavirus Contacts
In a medical emergency always call Triple Zero (000).Victorian Coronavirus hotline
Call 1800 675 398 or find out more online at:
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service
For 24/7 access to trained councillors call 1800 512 348.
Victoria’s 24/7 Family Violence Support Service
If you or someone you know is experiencing or afraid of family and domestic violence, contact Safe Steps for support on 1800 015 188, 24/7 or visit them online at:

Coronavirus Test Results Hotline
If you have not received a result more than 5 days after testing, please call the dedicated Coronavirus Test Results Hotline on 1800 573 222 from Mondays to Fridays between 8.00 am and 8.00 pm. To find out more visit:
Can't make it to a testing location? Vulnerable Victorians can be tested at home
Vulnerable Victorians can get tested at home in metropolitan Melbourne to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Call the DHHS (COVID-19) hotline on 1800 675 398 and select option 9 to find out if you are eligible for this service.
Need an Interpreter?
Call TIS National on 131 450 or visit for translated resources.
Report a suspected breach of public health restrictions
Report suspected breaches of public health restrictions to Victoria Police online here:
Need to access the $450 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test Isolation Payment?
For support to apply for the payment, you can call 1800 675 398 and select option 8
Need to access the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment?
Contact Services Australia here:
Talking to Kids about Coronavirus
Science educator Michelle Dickinson, one of New Zealand’s most recognised scientists, has made a video for parents on how to talk to their kids about Coronavirus.Pause on Evictions Extended and Extra Renter Protections introduced (residential and commercial)
The Victorian Government will extend a ban on evictions and rental increases until the end of the year, increase assistance and ensure tenant turnover is taken into account in rental negotiations – giving tenants certainty and security they won’t lose their home or workplace during the pandemic.Under the extension, evictions will continue to be banned for both residential and commercial tenancies until December 31, except in specific circumstances. Rental increases continue to be banned for the same period.
Read the full 20/8 Victorian Government statement
Escaping harm - even during curfew hours is OK
Community leaders dealing with matters of family and domestic violence need to be aware that those escaping harm can do so even during the curfew hours of 8pm-5am.Anyone can leave their home at anytime to escape family or domestic violence.
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre is Victoria’s statewide first response service for women, young people and children experiencing family violence.
- Please call 24/7 phone line: 1800 015 188
- If you cannot safely call the 24/7 phone line, email or check website:
Victorian Restrictions and Places of Worship
For information on how Victoria's current restrictions impact general community and places of worship, visit the Department of Health and Human Services.You do not need to feel alone.
The Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV)Address: Beth Weizmann Community Centre, 306 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South, VIC 3162, Australia
Tel: 9272 5566