VEC | SHARING | In-language video: How to respond to an Apparent Failure To Vote Notice | Tuesday 16 February 2021

[Edited extract from public address]

Australia is a representative democracy. You elect people to make decisions on your behalf. It is your right and responsibility to vote. 

Voting makes sure that the people who are elected are those that the majority of people prefer. 

During the 2020 Local Council Elections, 331,762 failed to vote at the elections.

During February 2021, the VEC will be mailing out the Notice and recipients have 28 days to respond to the Notice.

For voters from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, the Apparent Failure to Vote Notice (Notice) video shows people how to respond to the Notice in 11 languages. 

Please find in-language videos:
 All other languages, please call 9209 0112

Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC)