VMC | UPDATING | Community on Strategic Priorities, a call for new Commissioners, Unity in Diversity | Friday 5 February 2021

[Edited extract from public address]

Join VMC with staying informed on the latest changes in Victoria.

Message from the Chairperson

I would also like to share the VMC’s Strategic Priorities, based around four pillars of Promotion and Advocacy, Investigation and Reporting, Community Leadership and Supporting the Victorian Government’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery. The priorities are by no means all of the work that the VMC will be doing but exist to give a rough guide regarding the structure and nature of the work that will be built upon.

In and amongst the COVID-19 activities, I’d like to share the work underway on Cultural Diversity Week for 2021, scheduled for 21-28 March. It will expand throughout the year as part of showcasing and celebrating diversity. A series of online events will take place in March, and the program of activities combining online and in person will continue throughout the year, culminating in October with the Premier’s Gala Dinner (pending COVID conditions).

The theme will be What does multicultural Victoria look like in 2030, with a focus on making the ideal a reality. We will explore the bigger picture themes, whilst making sure successes are achieved and celebrated along the way.

Last night’s announcement about the new community transmission case is another reminder of the importance of staying vigilant and following public health advice. Outlined below are the latest restrictions around mask wearing, return to work and indoor guest numbers.

The VMC welcomes some of the positive findings of the Scanlon Foundation’s Mapping Social Cohesion 2020 Report . The research also identified some seriously concerning trends, identifying either an existing or rising level in negative opinions, feelings or attitudes towards Australians of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern backgrounds and towards Australians of Muslim faith.

There is no place for racism or discrimination in our society!

The VMC has a lot of work to do to mitigate this and is keen on working alongside the Victorian government, the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, its agencies and the multicultural communities, to tackle racism and discrimination in all forms.

The Multifaith Advisory group has produced a wonderful video on Unity in Diversity, which we encourage you to share with your networks. They have also penned a statement reflecting on World Interfaith Harmony Week.

This week I am pleased to share details of translated vaccination materials from the Federal Government, translated Human Rights Information from the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, and the opportunity to Have Your Say on Victoria's LGBTIQ+ Strategy from the Victorian Government.

Also a reminder not to miss out on putting in expression of interest to join the Victorian Multicultural Commission.

Thank you for continuing to share and communicate this information with your networks, such a vital service as we move into pandemic recovery.

Take care and stay safe,
Viv Nguyen, Chairperson

COVID-19 Restrictions Change

Due to a new case identified in a hotel quarantine worker, Victoria's restriction levels have changed from 11:59pm 3rd of February.
  • The limit on the number of people gathering in a household will be reduced from 30 to 15, meaning the household members plus 15 visitors (excluding children under 12 months of age).
  • Masks will be mandatory in public indoor spaces. If you have visitors in your home, it is strongly recommended that masks are worn during the visit. Masks must be worn in indoor public spaces apart from when eating or drinking. If you are planning to leave your home – take a mask.
  • The 75 per cent ‘return to work’ cap in both public and private sectors scheduled for Monday 8 February will be paused and the current cap of 50% will remain in place.
Visit Victorian Department of Health's website to find out whether you have been to one of the so far identified exposure sites.
Find out more

Translated COVID-19 Vaccine Information

The Australian Government Department of Health has translated resources into 60 different languages, informing communities about COVID-19 vaccines and how they will be rolled out across Australia.

Special committees representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people with a disability, and the multicultural community have been appointed to help ensure that information reaches every community member.

Please download in-language posters and distribute them amongst your networks.
Access translations

Translated Human Rights Information

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission has been translating important information into ten languages and simplified English which are now available on their website:

This content can be accessed at any time by clicking on the ‘Translations’ button at the top of the website (or under the menu on mobile).

The translated information explains what the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission does, the rights that are protected by law in Victoria, and how the Commission can help. It includes instructions on how to contact them and, if needed, how to use an interpreter service. There is also information in Auslan in this section.
Access translations

Reminder: EOI on Victorian Multicultural Commissioner roles | closing close Monday 8 February

Are you passionate about multicultural affairs and want to make a positive change for all Victorians?

Are you, or someone you know, an advocate for a stronger multicultural Victoria?

The Victorian Multicultural Commission is currently accepting expressions of interest for multiple Commissioner roles, including:
  • Deputy Chair
  • Four general Commissioner roles
  • One Youth Commissioner role
Please note: you must submit an expression of interest to be eligible for consideration for the above positions. Only successful candidates from the expression of interest applications will be invited to submit a full application.
Learn more and submit your interest

Unity in Diversity

2020 presented faith communities with unique challenges due to the COVID19 pandemic. Highlighting the increasing need to work together in unity and the interconnected nature of the global and local community.

In collaboration with C31, VMC has filmed two videos asking representatives from the VMC’s Multifaith Advisory Group (MAG) how COVID19 affected their communities, and how they assisted others struggling with issues including mental health, support to women, youth, children and vulnerable groups, emergency food relief and virtual gatherings and celebrations.

The videos showcase unity in diversity where faiths focus on the commonalities and unity of all faiths, within their diversity.
View the video

Have Your Say - LGBTIQ+ Strategy | submissions closing 17 February 2021

You can help shape the Victorian Government’s first ever LGBTIQ+ Strategy by having your say on its proposed vision for equality.

The Government has also identified four key areas for potential change in systems, services and policies, which will drive equality for LGBTIQ+ Victorians for years to come.

The vision and key areas for change are based on consultations with more than 800 people and organisations about what the strategy should focus on and address.

This further opportunity for feedback will help ensure the Government is on the right track as it develops the final strategy, which is set for release in mid to late 2021.

Please tell the Government what you think by filling out a short survey before 17 February at – and spread the word among your networks!
Have your say

Coronavirus hotline


Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC)
Address: Level 3, 1 Macarthur Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: (03) 9651 5901