JCCV | UPDATING | General Community on COVID-19 Changing restrictions in Victoria | from 6pm Friday 26 March 2021

[Edited extract from public address]

Subject to public health advice, there are changes to restrictions for all Victorians.

These are the important changes to understand:

Social gatherings:

  • You may have up to 100 people visit your home per day, not including children under 12 months of age. This includes your front and backyards.
  • Up to 200 people can meet in a public outdoor place.

Return to offices:

  • Up to 100 per cent of workers can return to their offices in both the private and public sectors.
  • The maximum density limit for workers in all offices is 1 person per 2 square metres.

Face masks:

  • You do not need to wear a face mask in retail environments.
  • You must carry a face mask with you at all times. 
  • You must wear a face mask when on public transport, in rideshares and taxis, and when visiting or working in a hospital or care facility.
  • If you have a lawful exemption for not wearing a face mask (e.g. a relevant medical condition), you do not have to wear a face mask.
For more information, visit

COVID-19 vaccines ⁠–⁠ Is it true?

With new COVID-19 vaccine developments every day, it’s normal to have questions or concerns, and possibly feel hesitant about getting a vaccine. That's why we're providing accurate, evidence-based answers to questions about COVID-19 vaccines. 

The Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV)
Address: Beth Weizmann Community Centre, 306 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield South VIC 3162
Tel: 03 9272 5566