PPLS | TALKING | Fairy tale princesses, women's struggles and men's violence with Author Jane Gilmore | Thursday 30 November 2023 | 6.30–730pm

[Edited extract from public address]

Jane Gilmore, the author of 'Fixed It' and 'Teaching Consent,' takes a critical look at fairy tale princesses, revealing how these tales contribute to women's struggles and men's violence. 

Through a blend of analysis and storytelling, Gilmore uncovers the hidden truths beneath the enchanting narratives that have shaped our culture for generations. By dissecting the history, context, and impact of these princess stories, she reimagines classic fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella to shed light on the perils of perpetuating these myths.


Port Phillip Library Service (PPLS)
City of Port Phillip
Address: 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda, VIC 3182 Australia
Telephone: 03 9209 6655