Welcome to our first eBulletin of 2025. We hope you've launched into the new year with hope and empathy.
In these testing times, the value multiculturalism is undeniable as we continue to draw strength from the diversity in our neighbourhoods and our nation.
To our Muslim friends, we wish you a Ramadan Kareem. Victoria’s Muslim communities have been grappling with the recent attacks on two women wearing hijabs at an Epping shopping centre, not far from ECCV’s offices in Coburg.
Our state's Jewish communities are also dealing with the aftermath of the arson attack on the Addas Israel synagogue in Ripponlea.
Both are utterly abhorrent acts. There is no place for such hateful violence in our society. ECCV condemns Islamophobia, antisemitism, and racial vilification in all its forms. We also value free speech and intercultural dialogue. These are not contradictory.
Now more than ever, stamping out racism and discrimination must be a major focus for decision-makers and institutions across the country. That's why anti-racism is a key focus of our Pre-Budget Submission this year. Local community-led programs are crucial tools to combat racism, and we commend the State Government for renewing its Local Anti-Racism Initiatives grant program.
However, the burden of finding and implementing solutions can never fall solely on the communities that experience racism. It is our collective responsibility to oppose hate and build a fairer, more inclusive Victoria. And especially so in our challenging times.
Eddie Micallef, Chairperson and Farah Farouque, CEO
ATTENDING | Treaty forums
ECCV CEO Farah Farouque and Chair Eddie Micallef were delighted to attend Treaty forums in Melbourne this month alongside more than 100 leaders form multicultural and multifaith communities. The sessions discussed the Treaty negotiations currently taking place between First Peoples and the state government, why they're important and what they aim to achieve. Minister for Treaty and First Peoples Natalie Hutchins MP was one of the keynote speakers.
FEATURING | The Biscuit Tin campaign
ECCV Ageing Well Lead Hayat Doughan is featured in The Biscuit Tin campaign, organised by Elder Rights Advocacy and Celebrate Ageing, which aims to promote respect and equality for older women by showcasing the contributions they make to all facets of society. Hayat is one of the faces of the campaign alongside Australian LGBTI Ally of the Year Sharyn Faulkner, disability advocate Shirley Glance OAM and others.
Resources and Opportunities
ANNOUNCING | ECCV's Pre-Budget Submission 2025-26
ECCV's Pre-Budget Submission 2025-26 is out now. The past year brought new challenges for multicultural Victoria with the rising cost of living and humanitarian crises around the globe causing ongoing hardship for local communities. Anti-racism is a key focus of our submission as is reducing barriers to accessing healthcare, education and aged care for all Victorians, regardless of background.
SUBMITTING | To National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People 2024–2034
Following consultations with stakeholders and community leaders, ECCV made a submission to the National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People 2024–2034. Ageism and the under-valuing of older people were identified as key factors behind elder abuse, with seniors from migrant and refugee backgrounds at higher risk due to lack of English proficiency and cultural stigma among other factors.
For the past half-century, ECCV has been working with and for our state's migrant and refugee communities to address racism and discrimination, improve access to services, and ensure our communities can fully participate in society. The story of ECCV is the story of multicultural Victoria, and we were proud to celebrate our 50th anniversary last year. As part of marking this milestone, we produced a short film on our history and vision for the future.
- Watch video (8 mins)
Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria (ECCV)
Address: Suite 101, 398 Sydney Road, Coburg Vic 3058
Tel: (03) 9354 9555
ECCV acknowledges the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nations as the Traditional Owners of the Country on which we work. We pay respect to their Elders past and present, acknowledge their continuing connections to land, sea and community, and extend respect to Traditional Owners throughout Victoria.