FCCV | WORKSHOP | The Faith Leader Facilitator Guide to Prevent Gender Violence | Tuesday 24 October 2017 | 6-7pm

[Edited extract from public address]

The Think Prevent Facilitator Guide walks faith leaders through the essential steps to deliver a bystander intervention workshop. 

The goal of the workshop is to end family violence and violence against women by driving preferred behaviour change in participants. Our approach to violence prevention is not about blaming, shaming and dividing people. It’s about serving all communities, and bringing diverse groups of people together in ways that promote healthy and safe community environments. The Guide helps us put politics aside so we can work together to address the drivers of violence and promote its solution.

Where: Melbourne: Causeway House, 306 Little Collins Street, 4th Floor, Chellew Room

Bookings: RSVP: Friday 20 October 2017. Registration: Nicholas Tsigos | Tel: (03) 9650 4511; Email:

MORE:The Faith Communities Council of Victoria (FCCV)
Sandy Kouroupidis, Multifaith Officer of Victoria
Tel: 0412 670 369