GOVA | CALL FOR INTEREST | Service Providers: Career Transition Assistance Trials | 2018-2020 | CLOSE 19 February 2018 | 12 noon

[Edited extract from public address]

Career Transition Assistance (CTA) aims to help mature age job seekers become more competitive in their local labour market through a 6-8 week program. 

The trials will commence on 2 July 2018 in five CTA Trial Regions: Ballarat VIC, Somerset QLD, Central West NSW, Adelaide South SA and Perth North WA.

Who: Respondents need to demonstrate their experience in successfully delivering services meeting the needs of mature age people in their local communities.

Where: Department of Jobs and Small Business will hold information sessions in the five communities as well as two online webinars.

What: For more information about the trial go to the Career Transition Assistance website

Register Interest: online

Australian Government
Department of Jobs and Small Business