HIN | CHALLENGING | The "African Youth Crisis" | Community Forum | Thursday 1 March 2018 | 6-7.30pm

[Edited extract from public address]

A forum to unpack the conversation currently playing out in the media, regarding African youth and their community leaders.

Join keynote speaker Ahmed Hassan, Director of outreach group Youth Activating Youth (YAY). Share his journey as a young African man growing up in an ever changing community environment and how he has worked with peers, politicians and Victoria Police to rise above stigma and misconceptions.

Where: Room 4, Hume Global Learning Centre - 1093 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows

Inclusions: Light supper provided.

Cost: free

Bookings: Limited spots, registration essential, online through EventBrite

The Hume Interfaith Network

YAY is a non-profit organisation that strives to address the psycho-social needs of multicultural youth